WWE Monday Night Raw Preview for Monday 1/20/14 – it’s the final Raw before the 2014 Royal Rumble this Sunday 1/26/14, and it is definitely stacked show featuring the returns of The Animal, The Beast Incarnate and much more:
–Tonight, Batista returns to Monday Night Raw. What will The Animal have to say about being in the 30-man Royal Rumble match this Sunday and Alberto Del Rio’s scathing comments towards him over the past two weeks?
–Speaking of Batista’s return, will Randy Orton confront his ex-Evolution stable member tonight?
–What will Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have to say about Randy Orton’s attack on John Cena’s father last week on Raw?
–How will Cena react to being back in the same arena as Orton?
–Brock Lesnar is also back on Raw this week to help promote his showdown with the Big Show at the Rumble.
–Daniel Bryan closed Raw in epic fashion last week when he turned on Bray Wyatt and left the Wyatt Family behind for good. He also unfortunately suffered a concussion, so hopefully we will get a positive update on his condition this week.
All that and more on Raw … Monday night!

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