Undertaker during his match in Wrestlemania 30

There are reports coming out of New Orleans on Sunday night that claim Undertaker suffered a concussion during his match with  Lesnar at WM 30. While we cannot confirm that he suffered a legitimate concussion, we can confirm that he was taken to the hospital in an ambulance immediately after the show.

The reason for his trip to the hospital, where we were informed he will remain overnight, was to run tests to determine whether or not he suffered a concussion, as well as concerns that he suffered an apparent neck injury of some kind.

The Undertaker's injuries came during a spot early into the match where he took a bad fall off of a single-leg from Lesnar.

As far as the finish to the match is concerned, Undertaker's potential injuries played no part in changing the originally designed outcome. The match went off as planned, with Lesnar scheduled to go over.

Source: ewrestlingnews.com

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  1. Sorry the they made a bad choice letting broke lesner win idiots

  2. HHH is afraid of Lesner that is why they made it for him to win

  3. even he lost undertaker wins the heart of many fans hats off to him im sure taker will win more

  4. only reason theylet lesnar win is so he wouldnt leave like h ealways does after loseing
