Smackdown Results for 11/4/2014 (In Television)

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Dark Match:

1. Sheamus defeated Titus O'Neil.

2. Goldust, Cody Rhodes, and Mark Henry defeated 3MB. Nice pop for Goldust's team, especially Henry.

WWE Smackdown Taping:

1. Cesaro defeated Big Show via DQ.

2. Ryback and Curtis Axel defeated Los Matadores.

3. Rob Van Dam defeated Damien Sandow.

4.Bad News Barrett defeated Kofi Kingston.

5. Fandango (w/Layla) defeated Santino (w/Emma). Fandango's new girl is Layla. Short match.

6. The Usos and Daniel Bryan fought Kane, Batista, and Randy Orton to a double count out. Side note: I think I suffered hearing loss from Batista's pyro. Holy moly. Each member of Kane's team beat up one of the Usos Sign Guy (yep he's here) tried to motivate Uso, but even he can't help. That poor Uso can't catch a break. Finally, Uso tagged in Bryan and the crowd erupted. There was a nice over the ropes spot with Bryan and then the Usos.

7. John Cena beat Bray Wyatt by DQ.

Later, Cena went for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Bray stopped him with the crab walk. Eventually, Cena did the Five Knuckle Shuffle. The crowd was really into this match. Cena performed an AA on Bray, but he kicked out. You couldn't even distinguish chants at this point. Bray went for Sister Abigail's Kiss, but Cena countered with the STF. Rowan and Harper ran in to cause a DQ and beat up Cena. Bray went out the ring and grabbed a chair, but Cena fought them off to end Smackdown.

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