Rhodes and Cena start off and the crowd chants for Cody's stache as Cena takes him down. Miz tags in and hits a double axe handle from the top rope.
Rhodes retreats to his corner and tags in Sandow, who gets flap-jacked by Miz.
Rhodes Scholars go to the outside to regroup as we head to commercial.
Cena is taking it to Sandow when we return. Miz comes in and keeps up the offense against Sandow.
Sandow ends up hitting an elbow to the face and he puts Miz in his corner so he can tag in Rhodes and they can double team Miz.
Miz hits a series of mounted punches on Rhodes for a near fall. Miz telegraphs a back drop and Rhodes takes advantage with a shot to the face.
Sandow tags in and keeps Miz down on the mat. Miz continues to take the brunt of the punishment as Rhodes and Sandow keep tagging in and out quickly.
Miz almost steals a win with a cradle, but Sandow is still able to keep him from tagging Cena. Rhodes comes in and hits a facebuster for a two count.
I like how Sandow takes off his elbow pad before dropping the elbow on Miz. Cole and Lawler should have talked about that.
Miz drops Rhodes out of desperation and he starts to crawl towards Cena. Both men tag their partners and Cena comes in hot with tons of offense on Sandow.
Right after Cena hits the Five Knucke Shuffle we see Rhodes hit him with a Disaster Kick.
After some mayhem we end up seeing Cena hit Sandow with the AA for the pin and the win.

Winners: Miz and John Cena.

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