The match started immediately as The Shield came through the crowd and hit the ring.  Ryback powered through The Shield's offense, but the strength in numbers became too much as The Shield took control by tossing Ryback out of the ring.
Roman Reigns threw Bryan into a ladder held by Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins.  Ryback then reentered the ring and pummeled The Shield with a ladder.  Team Hell No worked over Reigns in the corner.  Bryan connected with kicks, then the pair threw Reigns into a ladder being propped up in the corner.  Bryan then charged and connected with a running drop kick.
The Shield isolated Ryback as Seth Rollins jammed a ladder in his gut.  Ambrose followed up by dropping a ladder on Ryback.
Ryback came back, squashing both Shield members in the corner with a ladder.  Ryback hit a double suplex on a ladder as Ambrose sold it brilliantly.
The Shield once again took control of the match with the re-emergence of Roman Reigns.  The Shield hit a triple power bomb on Ryback through the Spanish announce table.
Team Hell No began brawling with the Shield, but the numbers game continued to work in the Shield's favor.  The Shield threw Daniel Bryan into a table that was lodged on the top rope.  Rollins and Ambrose then connected with a super plex off the top-rope table for a nearfall.
The Shield followed suit with Kane, but Kane fought them off and connected with a top rope clothesline from the table.
Kane hit a chokeslam on Ambrose through a chair that was placed in a seated position.  The pinfall attempt was broken up by Reigns, as Kane set his sights on him.  Kane took his attention off Reigns momentarily, but was quickly speared through the barricade.
"This is awesome chants broke out as Bryan hit a No Lock on Ambrose, then Rollins, then Reigns.  Each attempt was broken up as the pack of predators regained the advantage.
Bryan fought back with alternating kicks to Ambrose and Rollins, but Rollins answered with a curb stomp on the chair after Ambrose stopped the offense.
Ryback reentered the match and cleared the ring of Rollins and Ambrose.  Ryback speared Ambrose, followed by a clothesline and Shellshocked.  The pinfall was broken up by Roman Reigns.  Ryback and the Shield continued brawling on the outside.
The Shield outnumbered Ryback and pummeled him with ladders and chairs.  The group placed Ryback on a table as Seth Rollins climbed a 20-foot ladder.  Ryback followed Rollins up the ladder and threw him threw multiple tables setup near the stage.
Meanwhile in the ring, Reigns and Ambrose put Daniel Bryan through a table with a double power bomb for the win.

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