Ryback via WWE.comPaul Heyman is interrupted by Brad Maddox backstage and offers to be his mentor. While I'm not a body language expert, I don't think the offer was in good faith. Poor Maddox—he's just a kid with a dream.
The night of squashes continues next. Ironically, Big Show and Ryback both finished things early but weren't part of the Beat the Clock Challenge.
Finally, The Rock is still outside trying to talk the cops into letting him in the building. Vickie Guerrero comes out and says she'll let him in if he simply apologizes to her. Seems reasonable—but not to

The Rock. He's going to get in the arena on his own terms.
Slater gets some offense early but Ryback runs over him. Ryback with a spinebuster and the Meathook Clothesline. McIntyre gets involved but gets knocked down. Same with Mahal. Ryback tosses Mahal into McIntyre and they fall off the apron. Ryback hits Shellshocked on Slater for the quick win.

Winner: Ryback