Dolph Ziggler, AJ Lee and Big E Langston are waiting in the ring as Ryback makes his way out.
Ziggler ducks the lock up and shows off some. The go to lock up again and Ziggler goes behind. Ryback counters and slams Ziggler on his face. Ryback slams Ziggler again and stands over him. Another big slam from Ryback. Ziggler fights back and hits a dropkick. 2 count for Ziggler. Ziggler with more kicks and punches. Ryback fights out and drops Ziggler with a shoulder. Ryback catches Ziggler in mid-air and slams him. Ryback takes the fight to the corner now.
Ziggler tries to fight back but Ryback catches him again, slams him in the corner and then on the mat. Ziggler rolls to the floor as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Ryback has Ziggler in a long standing suplex. Ryback finally slams Ziggler after about a minute of holding him up. Ziggler rolls back to the floor. Ryback goes after him and brings it back in the ring. Ziggler charges with a kick but Ryback throws him back. Big E Langston runs over Ryback on the floor. Langston leans against the fan barrier and shows off some. Ziggler brings Ryback in the ring and covers for a 1 count. Ziggler with a dropkick to the back of the head for another pin attempt. Ziggler counters and nails a big DDT. More back and forth. Ziggler applies the sleeper hold. Ryback breaks it with a jawbreaker. Ryback comes back and slams Ziggler on his face. Another big slam. AJ distracts the referee. Here comes Big E but Ryback knocks him off the apron. Ryback with two more big slams on an attacking Ziggler. Ryback hits Shellshocked for the win.
Winner: Ryback
source: wrestlenewz