Back from the break and Zack Ryder is in the ring. Out comes his opponent Jack Swagger. Swagger comes out with Uncle Zebekiah Culter, also known as Dutch Mantel. We see Booker and Teddy watching backstage. Ryder turns it around and hits the Broski Boot for a 2 count. Swagger takes back control and drops Ryder on the floor. Swagger dominates Ryder in the ring and gets the win by submission with The Patriot Act.After the match, Swagger introduces a great American – Zeb Culter. Zeb takes the mic and asks what’s wrong with America. Zeb says he and Swagger know what’s wrong but most people have forgotten what’s wrong with America. Zeb talks about being in Vietnam and says he is a patriot. Zeb says he sees an America he doesn’t recognize. Faces not like his and languages he can’t understand. Zeb asks how we get rid of these people. He talks about people crossing the border and being a real patriot with Swagger. Wow.
- Booker and Teddy are backstage when Dolph Ziggler, Big E Langston and AJ Lee walk up. Ziggler isn’t happy about Jericho being in the Elimination Chamber match. Ziggler wants in the match so he can put an end to Jericho once and for all. Big E interrupts Booker and makes it known Ziggler wants in the match. Booker says it will be Ziggler vs. Kane for the final Chamber spot tonight.
Winner: Jack Swagger
source : wrestlenewz