We go to the ring and out comes Santino Marella. Booker T is out on
commentary. Out next comes Jack Swagger in his return to RAW.
Swagger dominates early but Santino tries to make a comeback. Swagger
hits him with a knee to the gut and a Swagger Bomb out of the corner.
Swagger with the ankle lock for the win.
- After the match, Swagger goes to the announce table and asks Booker if he’s impressed yet. Swagger wants a spot in the Elimination Chamber.
- Even more hype for the WWE App. Voting is now open for CM Punk’s opponent. We go to commercial.
- Back from the break and Cole says too many people are trying to vote at once so there’s a problem with the WWE App. They are extending the voting and opening it at WWE.com.
Winner: Jack Swagger

- After the match, Swagger goes to the announce table and asks Booker if he’s impressed yet. Swagger wants a spot in the Elimination Chamber.
- Even more hype for the WWE App. Voting is now open for CM Punk’s opponent. We go to commercial.
- Back from the break and Cole says too many people are trying to vote at once so there’s a problem with the WWE App. They are extending the voting and opening it at WWE.com.
Winner: Jack Swagger