Out first comes CM Punk with Paul Heyman. Punk has the WWE Title belt with him and has himself introduces as The People’s Champion. Out next comes The Rock to a big pop.
We get formal ring introductions before the bell. They get a feel for each other before locking up. Punk drops Rock with a shoulder. They stall some before locking up again. Punk with a headlock. Punk drops Rock again. Rock catches him with big arm drags. Rock throws Punk into the ropes but he retreats to Heyman on the floor. Punk comes back in and the have words in each others face. Punk smacks Rock. Rock unloads with right hands into the corner. Rock ignores the referee and goes back to unloading in the corner. The referee finally backs Rock off with the threat of a DQ. Punk gets up and spits in Rock’s face. Rock runs over him with a clothesline and unloads. Rock tosses Punk out to the floor. Rock goes out and whips Punk into the barrier. Rock with a clothesline on the floor as the referee counts. Rock slams Punk’s face into the announce table. Rock gets raked in the eyes by Punk. Punk comes back in the ring and Rock follows. Punk with a clothesline.
Punk with another takedown and a 1 count. Dueling chants from the crowd now. Punk keeps control and keeps Rock on the mat now. Punk with a 2 count. Punk with a chinlock. Punk catches Rock with a kick to the jaw for another 2 count. Punk with a suplex and another pin attempt. Rock fights out and decks Punk with a right hand. Rock runs into boots in the corner. Punk springboards in with a clothesline for 2. Punk with another chinlock on the mat now. Rock fights up and out with right hands. Rock blocks a boot in the corner unloads with punches. Punk hits the high knee. Punk runs for another high knee and nails it. Punk lays Rock down and climbs to the top. Punk nails the big elbow drop but Rock kicks out at 2.
Rock gets knocked back out to the floor. Punk follows and takes apart the announce table. Rock gets up and brings Punk back in the ring. Rock goes for a Rock Bottom but Punk goes for a neckbreaker. Rock counters and Punk nails a kick to the head for a 2 count. Punk tosses Rock back out to the floor and puts him on the announce table. Punk hits a Rock Bottom on top of the announce table but it doesn’t break. Punk rolls back in the ring as the referee starts counting Rock out. Rock makes it back in the ring before the count out but Punk mounts him with right hands. Rock catches Punk with a Samoan Drop. They both get up and Rock nails a huge right hand. Rock with another right. Punk fights back and they trade lots of big shots now. Rock with a flying clothesline and a DDT as the crowd pops.
Rock goes for a Rock Bottom but Punk counters with elbows to the back of the head. Punk beats Rock down to the mat with elbows. Rock finally nails the Rock Bottom but Punk kicks out. Punk goes to the floor but Rock brings him back in. Heyman argues with a referee. Punk whips Rock into the referee and he lands out on the floor. Punk nails GTS on Rock and covers for the pin but the referee is down. Punk has Rock pinned but there is no referee. Another referee comes down and checks on his colleague, as does a trainer. The second referee comes in the ring as Punk goes for another GTS. Rock counters and nails a spinebuster. The Rock hits The People’s Elbow as the crowd cheers. Rock covers but Punk kicks out at 2. Punk lands on the second referee’s ankle and he’s injured now. Punk drops Rock with a kick to the head as the second referee is out on the floor holding his ankle. A trainer checks on him now.
Punk has Heyman slide him the WWE Title belt. Heyman holds Rock on the apron. Punk charges with the belt but Rock ducks and Punk knocks Heyman to the floor. Rock drops Punk and covers for the win as the first referee wakes up and counts the pin. The Rock is going to WrestleMania 29.
Winner: The Rock
- After the match, The Rock hits the turnbuckles to pose with the WWE Title. Cole announces John Cena vs. The Rock for WrestleMania 29. Elimination Chamber goes off the air with The Rock celebrating.
source: wreslenewz