Back and forth to start. Cesaro takes control and works on the taped up shoulder of The Miz. Miz comes back with a knee to the gut and a kick to the face for a 2 count. Cesaro takes Miz back down and hits a series of right hands. Cesaro continues working on the shoulder. More back and forth. Miz catches Cesaro with a big boot to the face. Miz with a bunch of kicks in the corner now. Miz hits a flying clothesline and goes to the top. They end up on the floor. Miz sends Cesaro knee first into the ring steps.
They come back in the ring with Miz in control. Miz works on the injured leg of Cesaro. Miz with a 2 count. Miz drops knees on the leg now. Miz goes for the Figure Four leglock but Cesaro fights it off. Cesaro blocks a kick and looks as if he trips Miz into him, causing Miz to drop a knee below the belt. Cesaro points this out to the referee and gets the DQ.
Winner by DQ: Antonio Cesaro
source: wrestlenewz