We go to the ring and out comes one-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and we see Paul Bearer’s WWE debut back in 1991. It appears WWE will be looking back at Bearer’s career tonight. Cole asks fans to Tout with the hashtag #PaulBearer. Dolph Ziggler is out with Big E Langston and AJ Lee now. Bryan and Ziggler lock up, going back and forth to start the match.
Ziggler makes a comeback and dropkicks Bryan for a 2 count. Bryan turns it around and gets a close 2 count right in front of AJ. Bryan works on Ziggler’s arm now. Ziggler kicks Bryan in the face but gets dumped over the top and out to the floor. Big E gets on the apron and distracts Bryan and the referee, stopping Bryan from leaping out onto Ziggler. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Ziggler is doing a headstand chinlock on Bryan. Bryan blocks a dropkick and catapults Ziggler into the turnbuckle. Bryan with kicks now. Bryan with a counter and a big clothesline. Bryan runs into a big boot. Bryan blocks the sleeper hold and rolls Ziggler up for a close 2 count. Bryan with kicks to the chest now. Bryan with another pin attempt. Bryan goes up top but Ziggler cuts him off. Ziggler climbs up for a superplex but Bryan stops him. Bryan goes for a German from the top but Ziggler counters in mid-air and turns it into a crossbody for a close 2 count. Ziggler hits Zig Zag but Bryan kicks out. Bryan goes for the No Lock and AJ jumps on the apron to distract the referee. Langston puts Ziggler’s leg on the bottom rope to break the hold. Bryan goes after Big E but Ziggler rolls him up for 2. Bryan applies the No Lock but it’s broken. Ziggler hits another Zig Zag for the win.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler