WWE United States Champion Antonio Cesaro is in the ring waiting on his opponent. Ricardo Rodriguez is out to begin the introduction for World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio and here he comes.
They lock up and Cesaro takes it to the corner. Del Rio comes back and hits a hurricanrana from the corner. Del Rio ends up on the top and comes down with a crossbody for a 2 count. Del Rio falls and hits his head on the corner as Cesaro takes control. Cesaro stomps away now. Del Rio fights out of a hold but Cesaro takes him to the corner and hits a big running uppercut for a 2 count. More offense by Cesaro.
Del Rio makes a comeback with clotheslines and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Del Rio with a big superkick to the jaw for another 2 count. Del Rio with shots to the kidneys and a backstabber for 2. Del Rio goes back to the top but Cesaro uppercuts him in mid-air for a close 2 count. Cesaro runs over Del Rio again and goes for a German but Del Rio counters it with a cross armbreaker for the win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio
