Back from the break and Ziggler is out in the ring with The Miz. Miz has some trouble with the microphone but they get it going. Miz introduces someone to us who represents old-school. Miz calls him his friend and mentor. Out comes Ric Flair to a big pop from the crowd.
Miz and Ziggler lock up and break. They lock up again and Ziggler takes control. Ziggler has words with Flair at ringside. Ziggler beats up on Miz in front of Flair. Miz fights back but Ziggler cuts him off. Ziggler with chops in the corner. Miz drops him with a right hand. Miz makes a comeback and kicks Ziggler out of the ring. Flair dances at ringside. Flair gets up on the apron and Miz tries to do the Flair strut as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Ziggler is in control. Ziggler hits a neckbreaker and covers for a 2 count. Miz fights back and knocks Ziggler into the corner with right hands. Ziggler dumps Miz to the apron but Miz slides under the ropes and rolls him up for a close 2 count. Miz counters and hits the backbreaker neckbreaker combo for 2. Ziggler rolls Miz up out of nowhere for 2. Miz comes back and takes Ziggler’s knee out. Ziggler nails the big jumping DDT for another 2 count.
Ziggler goes for a sleeper but Miz fights him off. Ziggler tries some more and gets it locked. Miz drops Ziggler on his face and hits the running clothesline in the corner. Miz goes to the top and comes off with a big ax handle shot. AJ gets on the apron and distracts the referee while Big E lays out Miz. Flair comes over and throws his coat at Big E’s face. Flair hits Big E with a bunch of chops but it doesn’t phase him. Miz kicks a distracted Big E in the face. Ziggler gets a surprise 2 count on Miz. Miz locks in the Figure Four and Ziggler taps.

Winner: The Miz