We go to the ring and “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase is at ringside with O’Neil and Young. They asked him to be their manager and he’s considering it if they can win. Match starts off with back and forth. Bryan comes in with Young and hits a bunch of kicks. Bryan with a dropkick for a 2 count. Titus tags in and runs over Bryan.
Young tags back in for some double teaming on Bryan. We see DiBiase looking on but he’s not in The Primetime Players’ corner. Kane finally tags in and unloads on Young. Kane with a big boot and a low dropkick. Kane with clotheslines in the corners and a sideslam for 2. Titus breaks it up and throws Bryan to the apron. Bryan dumps Titus to the floor and takes him down with a flying knee. Young and Kane go at it now. Kane catches Young with a chokeslam for the win.
Winners: Kane and Daniel Bryan