Primo and Epico are in the ring with Rosa Mendes. Out next comes the WWE Tag Team Champions Kane and Daniel Bryan for a non-title match.
Kane starts off for his team and works the other over. Bryan tags in and Primo attacks him from behind. Bryan makes a comeback and hits a big knee for a 2 count. Epico comes in and Bryan takes him down with an armdrag. Bryan with a big back bodydrop. They distract Bryan and send him out to the floor. Bryan is rolled back in for a 2 count. Epico and Primo keep Bryan in their corner with quick tags now.
Kane finally gets the tag and cleans house. Kane runs into a boot but catches Primo with a big sidewalk slam. Kane knocks Epico off the apron and climbs to the top for a big right hand. Kane calls for a chokeslam but out comes AJ Lee skipping around the ring. Kane gets rolled up for a 2 count as he was distracted. Epico tags in for some double teaming but Bryan makes the save. Kane chokeslams Epico for the win.

Winners: Kane and Daniel Bryan