We go to the ring and out comes Randy Orton. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and we see footage from Brock Lesnar coming out and interrupting the tag match earlier. Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes are out now. Out next comes Sheamus to join Orton.
Orton starts things out with Sandow. Sandow with a headlock. They run the ropes and Orton drops Sandow with a back elbow. Orton with an uppercut and a suplex for a 1 count. Sheamus tags in and hits a battering ram on Sandow for a 2 count. Sandow fights Sheamus off and tags in Cody. Sheamus turns it around and slams Cody for a 2 count. Sandow ends up pulling the ropes down and Sheamus hits the floor. Cody distracts the referee while Sandow clotheslines Sheamus on the floor. Cody brings it back in the ring for a 1 count. Sandow comes back in and continues to keep Sheamus grounded. Sandow with another pin attempt. Cody comes back in and hits a knee to the face for a 2 count. Sheamus fights up from the mat and clotheslines Cody. Orton tags in and clotheslines Cody. Orton hits the big powerslam and hits a t-bone suplex for 2. Orton takes Rhodes to the apron but Sandow pulls Cody to safety. Orton comes down and drops Sandow. Cody rams Orton’s head into the ring post. Cody works Orton over on the floor and brings him back in for a tag to Sandow. Sandow drops knees and legs on Orton for another pin attempt. Sandow with a leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain for a 2 count.
Cody comes back in and keeps the assault going on Orton. Cody goes to the top rope but Orton knocks him down. Orton climbs up and hits a superplex. Sheamus tags in and runs over Sandow. Sheamus with a big thrust in the corner and a high knee. Sheamus with a series of forearm shots on the apron. Sheamus hits more offense and then White Noise. Sheamus readies for a Brogue Kick but Cody interrupts. Orton drops Cody with a RKO. Sheamus hits the Brogue on Sandow for the win.
Winners: Sheamus and Randy Orton