Luke Harper and Erick Rowan (w/Bray Wyatt) defeated The Uso Brothers. The Uso Brothers received a good pop. The Wyatt Family took care of business quickly. Bray entered the ring afterward to hit Sister Abigail to end the segment...
Randy Orton was interviewed by Renee Young. He was interrupted soon after by Dolph Ziggler, and a match between the two was set up by Kane...
Antonio Cesaro defeated Cody Rhodes. Cesaro won the match in roughly five minutes.
The Prime Time Players defeated Curtis Axel and Ryback. Darren Young rolled up Axel for the win.
WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton defeated Dolph Ziggler. Orton came out with both belts on his shoulder. Ziggler now has a strain of pink in his hair (if he wants to get over he has to be a serious face or heel to get back to where he was when he was a championship contender, no change since he turned face). A great match. They have had some in the past and this is right along with them. The ending saw when Orton hit his RKO for the win.
After the match Orton hits Ziggler with an RKO and then took him outside and threw Ziggler in an ugly manner (and I mean it looked like it hurt bad for Ziggler). The segment concluded there. Ziggler has to be hurting somewhat for it to end the way it did...
Daniel Bryan beat Damien Sandow. Bryan out to one of loudest pops of the night. Video footage was shown of this past Monday's raw (next week). A great match with Bryan hitting his running knee. Bray Wyatt came out with the family to deliver a good promo that got some good heat.
Big E Langston (w/John Cena, Mark Henry) beat Dean Ambrose (w/Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins).
Roman Reigns (w/Ambrose, Rollins) beat Mark Henry (w/Cena, Langston).
John Cena (w/Langston, Henry) defeated Seth Rollins (w/Ambrose, Reigns).
Dark Match:
John Cena defeated Randy Orton by DQ.
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