TLC Kickoff Show Match
- Fandango vs. Dolph Ziggler
Fandango and Summer Rae come out dancing and it’s time for our lone Kickoff Show match of the evening. Before Fandango even finishes his entrance we have our first bickering match between Michael Cole and JBL on commentary. Fandango “shushes” the audience once he gets in the ring. Before he can continue with his promo we get a loud “we want Ziggler” chant. Fandango talks trash about Texas line dancing until Dolph Ziggler’s music hits and out comes Ziggler.
The bell sounds and Ziggler gets straight to business with Fandango. Within seconds of the match beginning, we shoot to a mid-match commercial. When we return, Fandango has Ziggler in a rear chinlock. We get a shot of Summer Rae looking on from the floor. Ziggler back-suplexes Fandango to get out of the hold. We have ten minutes left on the pre-show clock as Ziggler does his ten-punch spot on Fandango in the corner.
Ziggler continues his beatdown on Fandango for another minute or two, and then out of nowhere, Summer Rae pops up on the apron and distracts Ziggler, allowing Fandango to push him off the top-rope. Fandango follows that up with his top-rope leg drop and that’s all she wrote, folks! 1-2-3. Fandango wins.
After that, we go back to the expert panel where the guys discuss the poll result and the Kickoff Show match that just took place between Fandango and Dolph Ziggler. They talk about Summer Rae costing them the match. By the way, The Miz is no longer on the panel and the guys are now discussing the scuffle between Miz and Kingston. They do some final hype for the top matches at TLC tonight.
Following the video package, Josh Mathews asks Mick Foley and Booker T for their official predictions for the title unification match. Booker T picks Randy Orton. Mick Foley points out that this is Orton’s first ever TLC match.
As the guys continue to talk we get a shot of a limo pulling up. We see Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and finally VINCE MCMAHON come out of the limo. All three head into the arena as the Kickoff Show concludes on that note.
Our live coverage continues with the beginning of the WWE TLC pay-per-view show. For those interested in reading live PPV results throughout the evening, click ahead to page two below.
Here we go everybody, as the WWE TLC pay-per-view opens with the typical elaborate video package highlighting everything set to take place at the fifth annual WWE Tables, Ladders & Chairs pay-per-view.
Triple H and Stephanie McMahon come to the ring. Everyone is chanting for Vince, who we just saw close out the Kickoff Show. The two talk about the history of the WWE and World Championships and again talk about how tonight is historical because two men will walk into the ring as champion, and only one will walk out the “WWE World Heavyweight Champion.”
The official opening for the show goes down and the pyro explodes. Michael Cole welcomes us to the show on commentary, along with his broadcast partners Jerry “The King” Lawler and JBL.
The bell sounds and we see Dean Ambrose and CM Punk jawing back and forth from opposite corners of the ring. Ambrose will indeed start things off for his team, and Punk, well, of course he’s gonna start things off as well. The announcers talk about Vince McMahon being here tonight as the fans begin their first loud “CM Punk, CM Punk” chant. Punk and Rollins lock up and Punk shows up Ambrose during a lock-up spot. They lock up again and Punk snapmares Ambrose down. Ambrose throws a fit. Punk yells that he already beat him twice, so give somebody else a shot. With that said, Ambrose tags in Rollins.
Rollins comes in smirking. Punk smirks back and rolls out to the floor. He challenges Rollins to come out after him, so Rollins does. As soon as Rollins does, Punk rolls back in the ring. Punk blasts Ambrose off the apron and turns around and goes to work on Rollins once he rolls back in the ring. Punk is firmly in control here early on. Punk hits Rollins with a big neckbreaker. The fans chant “one more time” so Punk obliges with another neckbreaker, along with a giant smile on his face. Rollins makes the tag to Reigns.
Reigns slowly enters the ring with a smug, confident look on his face. Punk seems a bit nervous but ready to rock. Reigns comes at Punk but Punk uses his speed and quickness to duck a Reigns punch. Reigns hoists Punk up by the throat and is now putting the boots to Punk in the heel corner. Punk fights his way out of the corner, blasting Ambrose and Rollins off the apron in the process, but turns around and is clotheslined down hard by Reigns. Reigns punches Punk on the ground a few times and then tags Rollins back in.
Rollins comes in and stomps Punk a few times. Michael Cole points out that Rollins is targeting the injured ribs of Punk. Rollins with a neckbreaker on Punk and then tags in Ambrose. Ambrose picks up where Rollins left off, going to work on the mid-section of Punk. Ambrose talks trash to Punk as he continues the beatdown. Ambrose stomps Punk a few more times and then tags back in the big guy.
Reigns picks Punk up by the hair and then hits him with a monsterous short-clothesline. Reigns is now toying with Punk, talking trash to him, shouting at him to “get up!” Reigns continues talking trash as he picks Punk up, but Punk starts firing back with punches. Punk hits the ropes, but comes off of them straight into a big clothesline by Reigns. Reigns throws Punk out to the floor. Reigns goes out to the floor after Punk, waiting for him to get up. He does his big Chuck Liddell pose. Reigns goes flying for a big spear but Punk moves and Reigns goes flying over the announce table. Cole points out that the doctors are checking on Reigns. Ambrose is yelling at Reigns for screwing up.
The crowd counts along with the referee, hoping for Punk to win by count out. Reigns rolls back in at seven and Punk goes immediately to work on him. The announcers are claiming Reigns hurt his eye when he missed the big spear on the floor. We get a close up of Reigns’ eye and it does look like he has legitimately hurt his eye. Reigns yells a cuss word and is bleeped. Reigns is overheard saying he can’t see and tags Rollins in and rolls out to the floor. Punk almost hits Rollins with the GTS but Ambrose distracts him.
We get another replay of Reigns missing the big spear now. After the replay, we see Reigns on the floor still nursing his eye as a doctor is checking on him. The announcers have their sad voices on as they describe Reigns on the floor. Meanwhile, Punk and Rollins are going at it in the ring. Punk knocks Ambrose off the apron and scores a close near fall on Rollins. We see Reigns being checked on by a doctor on the floor once again as Punk is firing up on Rollins in the ring.
Punk goes up to the top rope and hits a flying cross-body on Rollins. Punk locks Rollins in the Anaconda Vice but Ambrose jumps in to break things up. Ambrose tags himself in now and goes straight to work on Punk in the corner. Ambrose puts Punk on the top rope. Ambrose goes up after him. Punk headbutts Ambrose off the top. Punk stands up on the top rope and comes off with a flying elbow smash, paying homage again to the late “Macho Man” Randy Savage, as Michael Cole points out on commentary. Punk pins Rollins after the elbow smash, 1-2…Ambrose kicks out.
Punk calls for the GTS but Ambrose escapes. Punk grabs Rollins, who tried interfering, and hit him with the GTS. Roman Reigns comes in out of nowhere and goes to spear Punk, but Punk moves and Reigns spears Ambrose on accident. Punk throws Reigns to the floor and immediately covers Ambrose. 1-2-3. Punk wins.
Natalya locks in an armlock on AJ on the ground. AJ eventually escapes but Natalya continues to punish her. Natalya lands a dropkick on a seated AJ. AJ rolls out to the floor to regain her composure. Natalya goes out after her, but sees Tamina Snuka. AJ tries sneak-attacking Nattie from behind, but Nattie catches her and slams her into the barricade. Nattie rolls AJ back in the ring. Tamina distracts Natalya and AJ baseball slide kicks Natalya on the floor. AJ goes out and throws Natalya back in the ring.
Back in the ring, AJ goes for a quick pinfall attempt but Natalya kicks out at two. AJ slaps in a rear chinlock on Natalya as the crowd claps for Natalya to try and rally her into a comeback. Natalya hits the ropes but AJ catches her with a big kick for another near fall. Michael Cole on commentary starts talking about the main event tonight, and says the title will in fact be referred to as the “WWE World Heavyweight Championship” from now on.
Meanwhile, AJ is in control of Natalya in the ring, stomping away at her in the corner. AJ locks Natalya into a weird standing submission hold (not the Black Widow) but Natalya eventually escapes. Natalya catches a kick attempt by AJ and clotheslines her down. Natalya with a niice suplex on AJ. Natalya hits her with yet another suplex. Natalya scoops AJ up and hits her with a sit-down slam. Natalya grabs AJ’s legs and it locking her up in the Sharpshooter. It’s fully applied and in the center of the ring. AJ is crawling to the ropes. Natalya drags her back into the center of the ring. AJ reverses her way out of it.
Tamina Snuka jumps up on the apron to distract Natalya. Natalya turns around and AJ wraps her up in the Black Widow submission hold. Natalya reverses out of it and hits her with a 360 clothesline. Natalya grabs AJ’s legs and goes for the Sharpshooter, but AJ rolls Natalya up out of the attempt and grabs Natalya’s hair for leverage in the pin. 1-2-3. AJ Lee wins and retains the Divas Championship.
The bell sounds and Langston out-powers Sandow right off the bat. Sandow tries fighting back but Langston again uses his brute power to throw Sandow around like a rag doll. Langston throws Sandow out to the floor and then goes out after him. Sandow ends up slamming Langston into the ring post before throwing him back into the ring. Sandow stays on Langston, beating him up with punches and elbow drops before settling with a rear chinlock on Sandow. We hear a big “Big E.” chant break out that really sounded like it was mostly kids. Sandow takes the leg out from under Big E. and then clotheslines a kneeling Langston back down to the mat. Sandow is keeping Langston grounded with a variety of strikes.
Sandow hits Langston with his “Elbow of Disdain” for a near fall. Sandow slaps another rear chinlock on Langston as the fans start clapping and stomping their feet, attempting to rally Langston back into the match. Langston stands up still in the chin lock and breaks it by slamming Sandow back-first into the corner. Langston goes to follow it up by hitting the ropes, but comes off the ropes into a big spinning kick by Sandow. Sandow pulls his knee pad up and drops a bare knee on Langston’s face. Langston hits an electric chair on Sandow to get him off his back and then follows up with a big belly-to-belly suplex. Langston clotheslines Sandow down quickly and scores a two count on a pin attempt.
Langston continues to go to work on Sandow, but Sandow ends up blocking a scoop-up attempt by Langston to cut off his offensive comeback. Sandow goes for his finisher but Langston reverses it. Langston tries his, but Sandow reverses it into a roll-up for a two count. Both guys hits the ropes and Langston smashes Sandow with a football tackle. Langston pulls the straps down on his singlet and hits the “Big Ending” on Sandow for the 1-2-3. Langston wins and retains his Intercontinental Championship.
The bell rings and Ryback and Cody Rhodes are starting things off in the ring. Michael Cole points out that the guys can tag anyone they want into the ring, it doesn’t necessarily have to be your own tag-team partner. Rhodes uses his speed early on to beat up Ryback, even using a page out of Goldust’s playbook by dropping to his back for a quick up-punch. Rhodes tags in Goldust and the two hit a quick double-team spot on Ryback. Some loud “Goldust, Goldust” chants break out as Ryback tags in Axel. Axel quickly clotheslines Goldust down and taunts both Goldust and the fans. Goldust hits a picture-perfect dropkick on Axel to cut him off. Meanwhile, JBL and Michael Cole are arguing like children on commentary about make-up. Goldust tags in Big Show and now an apprehensive Axel tries going to work on him with punches.
Big Show powers Axel into the corner. He tells us all to “shush” and hits him with his mighty chop. The fans do a loud “one more time” chant so Big Show obliges. Youch. That second one seemed like it might just leave a mark! The fans chant “one more time” again and Big Show hits him with a third one, which might even be harder than both of the previous two. Big Show tags Mysterio in and within seconds, Axel is beating up Mysterio in the corner.
Axel tags in Ryback and Ryback goes up to the middle rope. Ryback comes off with a second-rope splash and then hammers away at Mysterio with punches on the ground. Ryback jumps up and exclaims, “Ryback rules!” as the fans chant “Ryback sucks.” Ryback tags in Axel again and Axel shows off the marks on his chest from Big Show’s chops before going to work on Mysterio. Axel and Mysterio collide into each other and now both guys are down.
Mysterio tags in Goldust and Axel tags in Ryback. Goldust rolls Ryback up out of nowhere and pins him. 1-2-3. Curtis Axel and Ryback are eliminated. Swagger comes in and goes to work on Goldust for just a second or two before immediately tagging in Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro does the same thing and tags Swagger right back in. A loud “we the people” chant actually breaks out as Swagger continues to go to work on Goldust in the center of the ring. Now a loud “Goldust, Goldust” chant breaks out as Goldust is showing signs of life, attempting to get to his corner for a tag. Swagger forces him into his corner and tags Cesaro back in. Cesaro knocks Goldust out to the floor. The fans do another loud “we the people” chant along with The Real Americans. Swagger blasts Goldust with a running clothesline on the floor and then throws him back in the ring. Swagger tags back in as Goldust is fighting back. Cesaro tags back in and gut-wrench powerbombs Goldust for a near fall.
In the center of the ring, Cesaro has a wrist-lock on Goldust as we see a replay of his gut-wrench powerbomb from moments ago. Cesaro stops Goldust from making a tag and then tags in Swagger. Swagger goes to work on the arm that Cesaro just softened up. Goldust finally blasts Swagger with a big right hand. Goldust hits a springboard back-elbow off the second rope. Both guys are down now. Cesaro is up first and he grabs the legs of Goldust. He starts a crazy-fast Cesaro Swing. He swings him around a bit and then tags in Swagger. Swagger goes for a pin attempt but Rhodes comes in to break it up. Swagger tags in Cesaro. Cesaro slaps a rear chin lock on Goldust as a “let’s go Goldust” chant breaks out from the fans in Houston. Goldust hits a DDT on Cesaro and now both guys are down. The crowd is begging for Goldust to make the tag. Swagger goes to stop him, but Goldust throws Swagger over the top and onto the floor. Goldust goes to tag Rhodes but Swagger drags Rhodes off the apron. Rhodes is selling a knee injury on the floor. Big Show gets involved.
Back in the ring, Goldust hits a huracanrana on Cesaro. No joke. Goldust hits a big powerslam on Cesaro. Big Show is stomping and trying to encourage Goldust into making the tag to him. He does. Big Show comes in and clotheslines Cesaro down. Big Show throws Cesaro in the corner and then splashes him. Big Show with a shoulder-block on Cesaro. Big Show calls for the chokeslam. Swagger tries interfering but Show catches him with the KO punch. Show turns around and Cesaro comes off the top, but he comes off right into a KO punch by Big Show. Big Show pins Cesaro. 1-2-3. The Real Americans are eliminated.
We’re down to the teams of Big Show and Rey Mysterio and the current WWE Tag-Team Champions, Goldust and Cody Rhodes. Big Show waits for Goldust to get back to his feet and the two lock up. Big Show knocks Goldust out to the floor. JBL and Michel Cole are arguing again on commentary. Goldust with a flying cross-body off the top onto Big Show for a semi-believable near fall. Big Show grabs Goldust by the throat. He hoists him up for a chokeslam but Goldust adjusts in mid-air to a DDT. Goldust tags in Cody Rhodes. Rhodes and Goldust hit a double-suplex on Big Show for a near fall. Rhodes leaps off the ropes but comes down to a big chop by Big Show. They screwed that up a bit. Big Show tags in Mysterio. Mysterio is a ball of energy and he comes off the top with a senton onto Rhodes. Rhodes sunset flips Mysterio but Mysterio rolls through and blasts Rhodes in the head with a big kick. Rhodes comes off the middle rope with a disaster kick to Mysterio for a near fall.
Rhodes grabs Mysterio from behind for a Cross Rhodes, but Mysterio escapes and trips Rhodes onto the ropes. He does the same to Goldust. Mysterio hits the 6-1-9 on Goldust. Big Show grabs Goldust and yanks him out to the floor. Rhodes dives over the ropes and splashes onto Big Show, but Big Show catches him. Rhodes shoves Big Show face-first into the post and then rolls back into the ring. Rhodes leaps off the ropes and lands into a powerbomb by Mysterio for a near fall that the crowd bought into. Now we’ve got a “this is awesome” chant. Mysterio goes for the 6-1-9 on Rhodes but Rhodes catches his legs. He goes to slam him but Mysterio reverses it into a close roll-up attempt. Rhodes hits the Cross Rhodes on Mysterio. 1-2-3. Cody Rhodes and Goldust win and retain the WWE Tag-Team Championships.
Anyways, the bell rings and Clay and Truth lock up. Clay throws Truth down with ease. Truth fires back at him with some punches. Truth continues punching away at Clay in the corner. Clay reverses him but walks into an elbow and then a kick. Truth hops onto the middle rope and comes off with a missile dropkick onto Clay. Truth hits a scissors-kick to the back of Clay’s head for a near fall. Clay rolls out to the floor but Truth follows him out via a big dive onto the floor. Truth yells again “what’s up?” to the fans, and they still don’t know, as they as well want to know “what’s up?”
Meanwhile, Clay is in control of Truth in the ring. Clay comes off the ropes and splashes Truth on the mat. Clay nails Truth with a jumping double leg-drop. We get a shot of Xavier Woods shouting encouragement to Truth in the ring. Clay continues mauling Truth with ease now. Clay mocks Truth’s “what’s up?” catchphrase and hits Truth with a t-bone suplex. Clay mocks his own dance a bit and then hits a running splash on Truth in the corner. And another. Truth slumps to the mat like he was shot. Truth rolls out to the floor to try and recover but Clay goes out after him. Tensai gets in Clay’s face on the floor. He tells Clay to quit pummeling Truth and just pin him to get the win. Clay yells back as Truth rolls into the ring.
Clay goes back in the ring and hangs Truth upside down in the corner. Clay splashes Truth repeatedly in the corner as Tensai yells at him from the floor to stop it and just beat him. Tensai hops on the apron and again tells him to quit beating up Truth and to just pin him already. Clay shouts that he’s a main event player and that he’s better than Tensai. Tensai gets mad and walks to the back. The Funkadactyls are yelled at by Clay so they walk off as well. Clay turns around and Truth blasts Clay with a big kick. 1-2-3. R-Truth pulls off the upset.
The bell sounds and Kingston goes right to work on Miz. The two end up on the floor and Kingston continues to beatdown Miz. Kingston goes for the Trouble In Paradise kick on Miz on the floor but Miz moves and Kingston kicks the ring post. Kingston is selling his leg now. Miz stalks Kingston a bit and then DDTs him on the floor. Miz rolls Kingston back in the ring and covers him for a pin attempt. Kingston kicks out at two.
Miz continues to work over the “injured” right leg of Kingston from the missed kick into the post moments ago. Miz is now slapping Kingston to make up for the smack he gave him earlier during the Kickoff Show. Kingston rolls up Miz out of nowhere for a near fall. Miz again goes to work on Kingston’s leg. Miz slaps Kingston a few times again before going back to work on his leg. Kingston finally launches Miz over the top rope and onto the floor. Kingston goes out after Miz, limping towards him, but Miz catches him and drops him on the barricade. Miz runs and blasts Kingston with a big kick as Cole puts over Miz’s “killer instinct” here tonight.
Miz rolls Kingston back in the ring and tries to pin him, but Kingston again kicks out at two. Miz goes over to the turnbuckle and is taking the padding off of the top turnbuckle. The turnbuckle is exposed now and Miz goes over and kicks Kingston a few times. Miz hits a running knee-lift to the face of Kingston. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale onto the exposed turnbuckle but Kingston reverses it into a pin attempt. Miz kicks out at two and immediately goes back to work on Kingston. Miz goes up to the top rope but comes off and is caught by a dropkick from Kingston. Kingston sells the leg again. As all of this is going on, one or two people attempt to get a “this is awesome” (or Miz is awesome) chant going, but instead, a very loud “boring, boring” chant breaks out. Now the crowd is chanting “we want tables.”
Miz works on Kingston’s leg a bit more. Miz goes for the figure four leg lock but Kingston kicks Miz off and Miz hits his face on the exposed turnbuckle. When Miz turns around, he eats a Trouble In Paradise kick from Kingston. 1-2-3. Kingston wins. His music immediately plays. Seems like they were rushed to go home near the end in that one.
As Rowan is taking his sheep mask off, Bryan blasts him with somewhat of a cheap shot. Bryan is throwing multiple kicks at Rowan. Rowan eventually slows Bryan down with a big clothesline. An enormous “Daniel Bryan” chant breaks out as Rowan tags in Harper. Harper continues the beatdown of Bryan as we see Bray Wyatt rocking in his chair with a big smile on his face. For those keeping track, Bray’s beard is looking ridiculously long as well. Bryan takes out the leg of Harper now and has him grounded. Harper is back up and cuts Bryan off. Harper tags Rowan back in.
Rowan chokes Bryan with his boot in the corner as the crowd chants for “Daniel Bryan” loudly again. Rowan scoops Bryan up and slams him. He plays with his own beard a bit and then slams Bryan again. Rowan has Bryan in a bear hug now and is shaking Bryan around like Chyna used to do to Marlena early in her career. JBL and Jerry Lawler goof on Michael Cole a bit for being a “history buff” as Rowan beats up Bryan some more. Rowan tags Harper back in. Harper hits a sit-out slam on Bryan for a near fall. Bray Wyatt finally gets up out of his rocking chair. He takes his Hawaiian shirt off and enters the ring via a tagt from Harper.
Bray yells “it didn’t have to be like this, we coulda been friends Bryan. I coulda helped you!” Bray runs at Bryan and splashes him in the corner. Bray viciously attacks Bryan in the corner as the ref tries to break things up. Bray stops his attack momentarily to look at the crowd and smile. Bray throws Bryan across the ring. Bray drops to his back and rolls around and laughs. Bray gets up in the crab-walk position and taunts Bryan some more before popping up quickly and tagging Harper. The crowd chants “that was creepy” at Bray. Indeed it was, but it was also awesome. Harper tags in Rowan, who picks up where Harper left off, beating up Bryan in a one-sided match.
Rowan tags Harper back in and throws him face-first into a boot by Harper. Harper stomps Bryan a bit more and then tags Bray back in. Bray yells at Bryan to “look at these people. Look at these disgusting people. You coulda been like me. We could have destroyed this place.” He offers Bryan one more chance to shake his hand and he’ll make all of this go away. He tells Bryan this is his last chance. Bryan slaps Bray’s hand away. Bray goes at Bryan for a clothesline but Bryan starts firing back punches. Bray ends up viciously tackling Bryan and then taunts him a bit more before tagging Harper in and yelling at Harper to “finish him.” Harper nails Bryan with a sit-down powerbomb for a near fall.
Harper gets some advice in his ear from Bray. Harper goes for a big boot on Bryan but misses. Bryan is shaking his head now and is Warrior’ing or Hulk’ing up. Whichever you prefer. Bryan scoops Harper up and sits him on the top rope. The two are standing on the top rope now. Bryan hits a back-suplex off the top rope on Harper. 1-2…Harper kicks out at 2 and a half. Bryan continues shaking his head and Hulk’ing up. The crowd erupts into a loud “Yes! Yes! Yes!” chant. Bryan nails Harper with a bunch of “Yes!” kicks. Whoooaaaaa “Yes!” and he nails the final one. Bryan goes to the top rope and comes flying off with a headbutt for another near fall. Rowan comes in from behind but Byan catches him with kicks also. Rowan’s arms are tied in the ropes now and Bryan hits a bunch of “Yes!” kicks on him as well. Bray Wyatt is tagged in.
Bryan pulls down the top rope and Harper and Rowan both end up on the floor. Bryan hits a dive onto Harper on the floor and then drop toe-holds Rowan face-first into the ringside steps. Bryan goes to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick on Bray Wyatt. Bryan goes for the “Yes! Lock” on Bray but Bray avoids it and pummels Bryan with punches on the ground. Bray hoists Bryan up and nails him with his Sister Abigail finisher. 1-2-3. Bray Wyatt pins him. The Wyatt Family wins. Bray cradles Bryan in his arms like a baby and holds his head as The Wyatt Family music plays. The match was pretty damn cool.
The bell rings again and here we go ladies and gentlemen! As long as WWE doesn’t screw with the finish, then yes, history will indeed be made here during the final WWE pay-per-view event of 2013. Cena and Orton circle each other. The two stop to let the crowd do their split “let’s go Cena, Cena sucks” chant. They lock up and Cena pushes Orton into the corner. Cena headlocks Orton and takes him down. The fight spills out to the floor and Orton grabs a ladder and throws it into the ring. Orton sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring as Cena comes in to stop him. Cena slams the ladder into Orton. Orton rolls out to the floor. Cena does as well. Cena grabs a table and throws it in the ring. “It didn’t take long for the toys to come out!” exclaims JBL on commentary. “Let’s go Cena, Cena sucks” exclaims thousands of WWE fans in Houston, Texas. The table is propped up in the corner. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Orton escapes. Cena throws Orton to the floor. Orton grabs a steel chair and comes back in the ring. Orton goes to blast Cena with a chair but Cena blocks it. Orton knocks Cena down and nails him in the back with a chair. Now Orton hits Cena in the ribs with the chair in a stabbing motion.
Orton throws the chair down and goes out after Cena, who rolled out of the ring. Orton grabs another chair on the floor. He goes to whack Cena with that one and I guess he does, but it looked more like Cena moved and Orton hit the ringside steps. Orton smashes another chair across Cena’s back, and there is no questioning whether or not that one landed. Youch. Orton goes to swing it again but Cena moves and Orton nails the post. Cena has a chair now and Cena blasts Orton repeatedly with it. The last chair shot from Cena was absolutely vicious. Man oh man, these guys are going for it early on.
Cena opens and sets up a table on the floor as Orton crawls around the other side of the ring, still hurt from the aforementioned chair shot. Cena hoists Orton up and attempts to powerbomb him through the table, but Orton slides out the back door and shoves Cena into the ringside steps.
Orton grabs another ladder and brings it into the ring. Orton sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring and begins to climb. Orton gets his fingertips on the belts but Cena is in the ring now. Cena yanks Orton down. Cena goes to hit the ropes and can be overheard saying “dropkick.” Sure enough, Cena comes off the ropes and eats a dropkick from Orton. Whoops! The ladder is thrown out of the way and Orton continues his attack on Cena. Orton drops some knees onto the face of Cena. Orton now taunts Cena a bit as Cena crawls up Orton’s body. Orton blasts Cena with a punch but Cena punches back. The two trade punches until Cena hits the ropes. When he comes off, Orton catches him with a big powerslam. Orton stomps on the inside thigh-area of Cena as we get a nice closeup shot of the two titles dangling above the ring.
Orton goes outside the ring again and grabs yet another ladder. When he comes back into the ring, Cena has the ladder and blasts Orton in the gut with it. Cena sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring. Cena begins to climb. Orton blasts Cena with punches on the back and pulls him off the ladder. Orton nails Cena with a back-suplex and looks up at the belts. Orton grabs a chair and we can overhear the two calling another spot. The ladder is moved and Orton blasts Cena in the back with two extremely hard chair shots. It seems like this is one of those matches where the guys agreed to “go for it” ahead of time. They are truly baseball swinging these chair shots.
Cena is firing up on offense now during a comeback. Two shoulder tackles and a side-slam by Cena sets up a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes to tell Orton that “he can’t see him” but Orton throws a kick up to Cena’s face from his back and nails him. Orton stands up and throws Cena face-first into a steel chair that was wedged into the corner. Cena remains lifeless half-standing in the corner still selling that spot. Orton rolls out to the floor and sets up another ladder in the middle of the ring. Orton grabs both titles but Cena stops him just in time. Cena knocks Orton off the ladder. Cena climbs the ladder and does the “you can’t see me” gesture followed by a Five Knuckle Shuffle off of the ladder.
Cena grabs a ladder and blasts Orton, who is standing outside the ropes on the apron, with a big shot. Orton falls off the apron and crashes through the table on the floor that was set up earlier. Cena sets the ladder up and begins to climb. As he nears the top, Orton gets back in the ring, yanks Cena off the ladder, and blasts him with a RKO out of nowhere. Both guys are down. Each guy gets up to one knee and they trade punches. Orton starts mixing in some headbutts. Cena starts punching back. Cena hits the ropes and runs into Orton, nailing him with a clothesline that sends him over the top rope. Cena goes out after him. Cena picks up the ringside steps and blasts Orton with it. Orton is bleeding from the face now. Orton gets up and Cena blasts him with the steps again. Cena grabs another table and throws it into the ring.
Cena rolls into the ring and leans the table in the corner. There are two corners of the ring now with tables propped up in them. Cena goes out to grab Orton but Orton pops up and blasts Cena with a microphone shot that echo’s throughout the Toyota Center. Orton places Cena across the ringside steps and stomps on his head. Orton has the microphone again and repeatedly blasts Cena with it in the face. Orton clears off the Spanish announce table and the crowd pops.
Orton waits for Cena to get up. Orton runs at him and attempts to nail him with a punt kick, but Cena pops up, avoids it, and hits Orton with an Attitude Adjustment through the Spanish announce table. Both guys are down. Cena is up first. Cena uses the ropes to pull himself into the ring. Orton is now crawling out of what is left of the Spanish announce table on the floor.
We’re in the ring now and Cena is setting up a ladder. Cena is moving slowly, but is finally starting to make his climb. Cena has a firm grasp on both of the titles. Cena is hanging onto the titles now as Orton pushes the ladder out from underneath him. Cena is dangling, holding onto the loop that holds the belts above the ring with no ladder underneath him. Orton whacks Cena with a chair while he is dangling and Cena goes crashing to the canvas. Orton has a sick smirk on his face now as he waits to hit Cena with a homerun shot with the chair. As Cena gets up, Orton goes for a big swing. Cena ducks it and spears Orton thruogh the table set up in the corner of the ring.
Orton rolls out to the floor. Orton starts ripping the padded mats off the floor. Orton finds a pair of handcuffs. Orton cuffs Cena to the bottom rope. Cena’s left hand is now cuffed to the bottom rope. Cena looks scared now that he’s stuck. Orton shows Cena the key and smiles. Orton rolls into the ring. Cena stands up with his hand still cuffed to the bottom rope. Cena kicks at Orton but can’t reach him. Orton throws the key into the crowd. Cena drops to his ass and is putting his feet on the ropes, trying to break the cuffs off with brute force. Orton walks up the ramp as if he’s leaving.
Orton grabs a ladder from far up the entrance way and walks it back to the ring. Cena is outside of the ring now on the ground still cuffed to the bottom line. Orton nails Cena with the ladder and then throws the ladder in the ring. Cena rolls back into the ring, still cuffed to the bottom rope. Orton sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring. Cena takes the entire turnbuckle and rope off of the ring post. So he’s still cuffed to the bottom rope, but he’s got the entire bottom rope and turnbuckle with him. He climbs up the ladder like that and knocks Orton off. Cena is tripped up in the rope that he’s attatched to at the top of the ladder. Orton grabs part of the bottom rope and the two are having a tug-of-war with the rope that Cena is still cuffed to. Orton finally pulls it hard and Cena comes falling off the ladder near the table in the other corner of the ring. Looks like he was supposed to go through that table during that spot. Whoops!
Orton climbs back up the ladder and grabs the titles. He has them, but stops and looks around. He looks back down at Cena. He slowly reaches up to unhook them but pauses. He slowly unhooks the two title belts. Ding ding ding. Randy Orton is the new “WWE World Heavyweight Champion.” Pretty damn good match, by the way.
- Fandango vs. Dolph Ziggler
Fandango and Summer Rae come out dancing and it’s time for our lone Kickoff Show match of the evening. Before Fandango even finishes his entrance we have our first bickering match between Michael Cole and JBL on commentary. Fandango “shushes” the audience once he gets in the ring. Before he can continue with his promo we get a loud “we want Ziggler” chant. Fandango talks trash about Texas line dancing until Dolph Ziggler’s music hits and out comes Ziggler.
The bell sounds and Ziggler gets straight to business with Fandango. Within seconds of the match beginning, we shoot to a mid-match commercial. When we return, Fandango has Ziggler in a rear chinlock. We get a shot of Summer Rae looking on from the floor. Ziggler back-suplexes Fandango to get out of the hold. We have ten minutes left on the pre-show clock as Ziggler does his ten-punch spot on Fandango in the corner.

Ziggler continues his beatdown on Fandango for another minute or two, and then out of nowhere, Summer Rae pops up on the apron and distracts Ziggler, allowing Fandango to push him off the top-rope. Fandango follows that up with his top-rope leg drop and that’s all she wrote, folks! 1-2-3. Fandango wins.
Winner: Fandango
We shoot back to the social media lounge where Renee Young reads some
more tweets hyping up tonight’s WWE TLC pay-per-view show. She reveals
the results to the poll question I mentioned earlier. The winner of the
poll is falling off a lader with 78%. 13% crashing through a table and
9% getting hit with a chair.After that, we go back to the expert panel where the guys discuss the poll result and the Kickoff Show match that just took place between Fandango and Dolph Ziggler. They talk about Summer Rae costing them the match. By the way, The Miz is no longer on the panel and the guys are now discussing the scuffle between Miz and Kingston. They do some final hype for the top matches at TLC tonight.
Following the video package, Josh Mathews asks Mick Foley and Booker T for their official predictions for the title unification match. Booker T picks Randy Orton. Mick Foley points out that this is Orton’s first ever TLC match.
As the guys continue to talk we get a shot of a limo pulling up. We see Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and finally VINCE MCMAHON come out of the limo. All three head into the arena as the Kickoff Show concludes on that note.
Our live coverage continues with the beginning of the WWE TLC pay-per-view show. For those interested in reading live PPV results throughout the evening, click ahead to page two below.
Here we go everybody, as the WWE TLC pay-per-view opens with the typical elaborate video package highlighting everything set to take place at the fifth annual WWE Tables, Ladders & Chairs pay-per-view.
Triple H and Stephanie McMahon come to the ring. Everyone is chanting for Vince, who we just saw close out the Kickoff Show. The two talk about the history of the WWE and World Championships and again talk about how tonight is historical because two men will walk into the ring as champion, and only one will walk out the “WWE World Heavyweight Champion.”
The official opening for the show goes down and the pyro explodes. Michael Cole welcomes us to the show on commentary, along with his broadcast partners Jerry “The King” Lawler and JBL.
Handicap Match
- CM Punk vs. The Shield
CM Punk’s music hits and out comes “The Best In The World.” It looks
like our first of two handicap matches will open tonight’s pay-per-view.
As Punk makes his entrance, the WWE commentary team wraps up their
introduction statements and
whatnot. We see some highlights form RAW of The Shield beating up Punk
for the past few weeks. When the clips end, Punk is shown in the ring
selling his abs a little bit. The
Shield’s music hits and out comes Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman
Reigns through the crowd. As The Shield make their way to the ring, Cole
introduces us to the Spanish commentary team, which includes Ricardo
Rodriguez.- CM Punk vs. The Shield
The bell sounds and we see Dean Ambrose and CM Punk jawing back and forth from opposite corners of the ring. Ambrose will indeed start things off for his team, and Punk, well, of course he’s gonna start things off as well. The announcers talk about Vince McMahon being here tonight as the fans begin their first loud “CM Punk, CM Punk” chant. Punk and Rollins lock up and Punk shows up Ambrose during a lock-up spot. They lock up again and Punk snapmares Ambrose down. Ambrose throws a fit. Punk yells that he already beat him twice, so give somebody else a shot. With that said, Ambrose tags in Rollins.

Rollins comes in smirking. Punk smirks back and rolls out to the floor. He challenges Rollins to come out after him, so Rollins does. As soon as Rollins does, Punk rolls back in the ring. Punk blasts Ambrose off the apron and turns around and goes to work on Rollins once he rolls back in the ring. Punk is firmly in control here early on. Punk hits Rollins with a big neckbreaker. The fans chant “one more time” so Punk obliges with another neckbreaker, along with a giant smile on his face. Rollins makes the tag to Reigns.
Reigns slowly enters the ring with a smug, confident look on his face. Punk seems a bit nervous but ready to rock. Reigns comes at Punk but Punk uses his speed and quickness to duck a Reigns punch. Reigns hoists Punk up by the throat and is now putting the boots to Punk in the heel corner. Punk fights his way out of the corner, blasting Ambrose and Rollins off the apron in the process, but turns around and is clotheslined down hard by Reigns. Reigns punches Punk on the ground a few times and then tags Rollins back in.
Rollins comes in and stomps Punk a few times. Michael Cole points out that Rollins is targeting the injured ribs of Punk. Rollins with a neckbreaker on Punk and then tags in Ambrose. Ambrose picks up where Rollins left off, going to work on the mid-section of Punk. Ambrose talks trash to Punk as he continues the beatdown. Ambrose stomps Punk a few more times and then tags back in the big guy.
Reigns picks Punk up by the hair and then hits him with a monsterous short-clothesline. Reigns is now toying with Punk, talking trash to him, shouting at him to “get up!” Reigns continues talking trash as he picks Punk up, but Punk starts firing back with punches. Punk hits the ropes, but comes off of them straight into a big clothesline by Reigns. Reigns throws Punk out to the floor. Reigns goes out to the floor after Punk, waiting for him to get up. He does his big Chuck Liddell pose. Reigns goes flying for a big spear but Punk moves and Reigns goes flying over the announce table. Cole points out that the doctors are checking on Reigns. Ambrose is yelling at Reigns for screwing up.
The crowd counts along with the referee, hoping for Punk to win by count out. Reigns rolls back in at seven and Punk goes immediately to work on him. The announcers are claiming Reigns hurt his eye when he missed the big spear on the floor. We get a close up of Reigns’ eye and it does look like he has legitimately hurt his eye. Reigns yells a cuss word and is bleeped. Reigns is overheard saying he can’t see and tags Rollins in and rolls out to the floor. Punk almost hits Rollins with the GTS but Ambrose distracts him.
We get another replay of Reigns missing the big spear now. After the replay, we see Reigns on the floor still nursing his eye as a doctor is checking on him. The announcers have their sad voices on as they describe Reigns on the floor. Meanwhile, Punk and Rollins are going at it in the ring. Punk knocks Ambrose off the apron and scores a close near fall on Rollins. We see Reigns being checked on by a doctor on the floor once again as Punk is firing up on Rollins in the ring.
Punk goes up to the top rope and hits a flying cross-body on Rollins. Punk locks Rollins in the Anaconda Vice but Ambrose jumps in to break things up. Ambrose tags himself in now and goes straight to work on Punk in the corner. Ambrose puts Punk on the top rope. Ambrose goes up after him. Punk headbutts Ambrose off the top. Punk stands up on the top rope and comes off with a flying elbow smash, paying homage again to the late “Macho Man” Randy Savage, as Michael Cole points out on commentary. Punk pins Rollins after the elbow smash, 1-2…Ambrose kicks out.
Punk calls for the GTS but Ambrose escapes. Punk grabs Rollins, who tried interfering, and hit him with the GTS. Roman Reigns comes in out of nowhere and goes to spear Punk, but Punk moves and Reigns spears Ambrose on accident. Punk throws Reigns to the floor and immediately covers Ambrose. 1-2-3. Punk wins.
Winner: CM Punk
Backstage: Renee Young Interviews AJ Lee
Backstage, AJ Lee is interviewed by Renee Young. Tamina Snuka stands
by AJ looking tough. AJ talks about how she always wins when it counts.
She points out that she’s been the Divas Champion for 182 days straight,
but that wasn’t good enough to win a Slammy Award for Diva of the Year.
She trashes the Total Divas chicks and concludes by getting in Renee
Young’s face and saying after tonight, she’s going to be the only Diva
that matters.
Divas Championship
- AJ Lee (c) vs. Natalya
Natalya comes to the ring sporting some pink streaks in her long,
blond hair. The Divas Champion AJ Lee skips her way to the ring,
accompanied by Tamina Snuka. It’s time for our Divas Championship match
of the evening. The bell rings and Natalya immediately drops AJ and
tries pinning her. AJ kicks out. AJ locks Natalya in a head-scissors on
the ground but Natalya quickly escapes. Both girls are standing again
now and Natalya suplexes AJ back down. A semi-loud “Nattie, Nattie”
chant breaks out as Natalya continues her beatdown of AJ Lee.- AJ Lee (c) vs. Natalya
Natalya locks in an armlock on AJ on the ground. AJ eventually escapes but Natalya continues to punish her. Natalya lands a dropkick on a seated AJ. AJ rolls out to the floor to regain her composure. Natalya goes out after her, but sees Tamina Snuka. AJ tries sneak-attacking Nattie from behind, but Nattie catches her and slams her into the barricade. Nattie rolls AJ back in the ring. Tamina distracts Natalya and AJ baseball slide kicks Natalya on the floor. AJ goes out and throws Natalya back in the ring.
Back in the ring, AJ goes for a quick pinfall attempt but Natalya kicks out at two. AJ slaps in a rear chinlock on Natalya as the crowd claps for Natalya to try and rally her into a comeback. Natalya hits the ropes but AJ catches her with a big kick for another near fall. Michael Cole on commentary starts talking about the main event tonight, and says the title will in fact be referred to as the “WWE World Heavyweight Championship” from now on.
Meanwhile, AJ is in control of Natalya in the ring, stomping away at her in the corner. AJ locks Natalya into a weird standing submission hold (not the Black Widow) but Natalya eventually escapes. Natalya catches a kick attempt by AJ and clotheslines her down. Natalya with a niice suplex on AJ. Natalya hits her with yet another suplex. Natalya scoops AJ up and hits her with a sit-down slam. Natalya grabs AJ’s legs and it locking her up in the Sharpshooter. It’s fully applied and in the center of the ring. AJ is crawling to the ropes. Natalya drags her back into the center of the ring. AJ reverses her way out of it.
Tamina Snuka jumps up on the apron to distract Natalya. Natalya turns around and AJ wraps her up in the Black Widow submission hold. Natalya reverses out of it and hits her with a 360 clothesline. Natalya grabs AJ’s legs and goes for the Sharpshooter, but AJ rolls Natalya up out of the attempt and grabs Natalya’s hair for leverage in the pin. 1-2-3. AJ Lee wins and retains the Divas Championship.
Winner and STILL WWE Divas Champion: AJ Lee
WWE Intercontinental Championship
- Big E. Langston (c) vs. Damien Sandow
Damien Sandow’s music hits, but he cuts himself off with a
microphone. He says the following words and phrases aren’t any good or
something to thaty effect. “Ya’ll. Reckon. Yee followed by Haw. Big E.
Langston followed by Intercontinental Champion.” He says that because
after tonight, Damien Sandow will be the I-C champ. “You’re welcome!”
With that said, the I-C champ Big E. Langston makes his way to the ring.
Michael Cole promotes the Royal Rumble as Langston finishes his walk to
the ring. He says it’s unique this year because the winner of the
Rumble no longer gets to choose which title he wants to go after, as
after tonight, there will only be one champion.- Big E. Langston (c) vs. Damien Sandow
The bell sounds and Langston out-powers Sandow right off the bat. Sandow tries fighting back but Langston again uses his brute power to throw Sandow around like a rag doll. Langston throws Sandow out to the floor and then goes out after him. Sandow ends up slamming Langston into the ring post before throwing him back into the ring. Sandow stays on Langston, beating him up with punches and elbow drops before settling with a rear chinlock on Sandow. We hear a big “Big E.” chant break out that really sounded like it was mostly kids. Sandow takes the leg out from under Big E. and then clotheslines a kneeling Langston back down to the mat. Sandow is keeping Langston grounded with a variety of strikes.

Sandow hits Langston with his “Elbow of Disdain” for a near fall. Sandow slaps another rear chinlock on Langston as the fans start clapping and stomping their feet, attempting to rally Langston back into the match. Langston stands up still in the chin lock and breaks it by slamming Sandow back-first into the corner. Langston goes to follow it up by hitting the ropes, but comes off the ropes into a big spinning kick by Sandow. Sandow pulls his knee pad up and drops a bare knee on Langston’s face. Langston hits an electric chair on Sandow to get him off his back and then follows up with a big belly-to-belly suplex. Langston clotheslines Sandow down quickly and scores a two count on a pin attempt.
Langston continues to go to work on Sandow, but Sandow ends up blocking a scoop-up attempt by Langston to cut off his offensive comeback. Sandow goes for his finisher but Langston reverses it. Langston tries his, but Sandow reverses it into a roll-up for a two count. Both guys hits the ropes and Langston smashes Sandow with a football tackle. Langston pulls the straps down on his singlet and hits the “Big Ending” on Sandow for the 1-2-3. Langston wins and retains his Intercontinental Championship.
Winner and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Big E. Langston
Backstage: Randy Orton & Vince McMahon
Backstage we see someone lacing up their boots. The camera pans up
and we see it’s Randy Orton. Vince McMahon walks up and extends his
hand. Orton shakes McMahon’s hand as McMahon smiles and then walks off.
We head to a commercial for Wing Stop, a chicken wing joint. No lie.
Expert Panel: New TLC Match Announced
We shoot back to the expert panel and Mick Foley and Booker T talk
about the altercation earlier tonight during the Kickoff Show between
The Miz and Kofi Kingston. The fans are chanting
“Kofi, Kofi” as Foley and Booker talk. We get a video replay of
Kingston and Miz’s scuffle. Booker T announces that The Authority has
made it official – The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston here tonight in a no
disqualification match.
WWE Tag-Team Championship
- Goldust & Cody Rhodes (c) vs. The Real Americans vs. Big Show & Rey Mysterio vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel
Following the visit to the TLC expert panel, The Real American’s music hits. As The Real Americans come to the ring, we see highlights from SmackDown of The Real Americans winning a non-title match over the current champions Goldust and Cody Rhodes.
Rey Mysterio’s music hits and out comes WWE’s most popular masked
Superstar. Mysterio’s partner, Big Show, is out next. The team of Ryback
and Curtis Axel, RybAxel, make their way to the ring together as highlights are shown from SmackDown two weeks ago where Axel pinned Cody Rhodes. Finally, the current WWE Tag-Team Champions, Goldust and Cody Rhodes come out together for what Michael Cole points out is a fatal fourway title elimination match.- Goldust & Cody Rhodes (c) vs. The Real Americans vs. Big Show & Rey Mysterio vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel
The bell rings and Ryback and Cody Rhodes are starting things off in the ring. Michael Cole points out that the guys can tag anyone they want into the ring, it doesn’t necessarily have to be your own tag-team partner. Rhodes uses his speed early on to beat up Ryback, even using a page out of Goldust’s playbook by dropping to his back for a quick up-punch. Rhodes tags in Goldust and the two hit a quick double-team spot on Ryback. Some loud “Goldust, Goldust” chants break out as Ryback tags in Axel. Axel quickly clotheslines Goldust down and taunts both Goldust and the fans. Goldust hits a picture-perfect dropkick on Axel to cut him off. Meanwhile, JBL and Michael Cole are arguing like children on commentary about make-up. Goldust tags in Big Show and now an apprehensive Axel tries going to work on him with punches.

Big Show powers Axel into the corner. He tells us all to “shush” and hits him with his mighty chop. The fans do a loud “one more time” chant so Big Show obliges. Youch. That second one seemed like it might just leave a mark! The fans chant “one more time” again and Big Show hits him with a third one, which might even be harder than both of the previous two. Big Show tags Mysterio in and within seconds, Axel is beating up Mysterio in the corner.
Axel tags in Ryback and Ryback goes up to the middle rope. Ryback comes off with a second-rope splash and then hammers away at Mysterio with punches on the ground. Ryback jumps up and exclaims, “Ryback rules!” as the fans chant “Ryback sucks.” Ryback tags in Axel again and Axel shows off the marks on his chest from Big Show’s chops before going to work on Mysterio. Axel and Mysterio collide into each other and now both guys are down.
Mysterio tags in Goldust and Axel tags in Ryback. Goldust rolls Ryback up out of nowhere and pins him. 1-2-3. Curtis Axel and Ryback are eliminated. Swagger comes in and goes to work on Goldust for just a second or two before immediately tagging in Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro does the same thing and tags Swagger right back in. A loud “we the people” chant actually breaks out as Swagger continues to go to work on Goldust in the center of the ring. Now a loud “Goldust, Goldust” chant breaks out as Goldust is showing signs of life, attempting to get to his corner for a tag. Swagger forces him into his corner and tags Cesaro back in. Cesaro knocks Goldust out to the floor. The fans do another loud “we the people” chant along with The Real Americans. Swagger blasts Goldust with a running clothesline on the floor and then throws him back in the ring. Swagger tags back in as Goldust is fighting back. Cesaro tags back in and gut-wrench powerbombs Goldust for a near fall.
In the center of the ring, Cesaro has a wrist-lock on Goldust as we see a replay of his gut-wrench powerbomb from moments ago. Cesaro stops Goldust from making a tag and then tags in Swagger. Swagger goes to work on the arm that Cesaro just softened up. Goldust finally blasts Swagger with a big right hand. Goldust hits a springboard back-elbow off the second rope. Both guys are down now. Cesaro is up first and he grabs the legs of Goldust. He starts a crazy-fast Cesaro Swing. He swings him around a bit and then tags in Swagger. Swagger goes for a pin attempt but Rhodes comes in to break it up. Swagger tags in Cesaro. Cesaro slaps a rear chin lock on Goldust as a “let’s go Goldust” chant breaks out from the fans in Houston. Goldust hits a DDT on Cesaro and now both guys are down. The crowd is begging for Goldust to make the tag. Swagger goes to stop him, but Goldust throws Swagger over the top and onto the floor. Goldust goes to tag Rhodes but Swagger drags Rhodes off the apron. Rhodes is selling a knee injury on the floor. Big Show gets involved.
Back in the ring, Goldust hits a huracanrana on Cesaro. No joke. Goldust hits a big powerslam on Cesaro. Big Show is stomping and trying to encourage Goldust into making the tag to him. He does. Big Show comes in and clotheslines Cesaro down. Big Show throws Cesaro in the corner and then splashes him. Big Show with a shoulder-block on Cesaro. Big Show calls for the chokeslam. Swagger tries interfering but Show catches him with the KO punch. Show turns around and Cesaro comes off the top, but he comes off right into a KO punch by Big Show. Big Show pins Cesaro. 1-2-3. The Real Americans are eliminated.
We’re down to the teams of Big Show and Rey Mysterio and the current WWE Tag-Team Champions, Goldust and Cody Rhodes. Big Show waits for Goldust to get back to his feet and the two lock up. Big Show knocks Goldust out to the floor. JBL and Michel Cole are arguing again on commentary. Goldust with a flying cross-body off the top onto Big Show for a semi-believable near fall. Big Show grabs Goldust by the throat. He hoists him up for a chokeslam but Goldust adjusts in mid-air to a DDT. Goldust tags in Cody Rhodes. Rhodes and Goldust hit a double-suplex on Big Show for a near fall. Rhodes leaps off the ropes but comes down to a big chop by Big Show. They screwed that up a bit. Big Show tags in Mysterio. Mysterio is a ball of energy and he comes off the top with a senton onto Rhodes. Rhodes sunset flips Mysterio but Mysterio rolls through and blasts Rhodes in the head with a big kick. Rhodes comes off the middle rope with a disaster kick to Mysterio for a near fall.
Rhodes grabs Mysterio from behind for a Cross Rhodes, but Mysterio escapes and trips Rhodes onto the ropes. He does the same to Goldust. Mysterio hits the 6-1-9 on Goldust. Big Show grabs Goldust and yanks him out to the floor. Rhodes dives over the ropes and splashes onto Big Show, but Big Show catches him. Rhodes shoves Big Show face-first into the post and then rolls back into the ring. Rhodes leaps off the ropes and lands into a powerbomb by Mysterio for a near fall that the crowd bought into. Now we’ve got a “this is awesome” chant. Mysterio goes for the 6-1-9 on Rhodes but Rhodes catches his legs. He goes to slam him but Mysterio reverses it into a close roll-up attempt. Rhodes hits the Cross Rhodes on Mysterio. 1-2-3. Cody Rhodes and Goldust win and retain the WWE Tag-Team Championships.
Winners and STILL WWE Tag-Team Champions: Goldust & Cody Rhodes
Backstage: Fun With New WWE Dolls
Backstage we see The Prime Time Players, Titus O’Neil and Darren
Young. Young says he got a call from The Rock yesterday. O’Neil doesn’t
believe him. It turns out, it”s a Rock doll which Young holds up. O’Neil
holds up his own doll, a John Cena doll. The Great Khali appears and
has a Sheamus doll. The Los Matadores come in and they’ve got a Brodus
Clay doll. Vickie Guerrero and Brad Maddox come in and tells them to act
like adults. Vickie snatches the Brodus Clay doll and Maddox snatches
the Cena doll. Maddox and Guerrero play-fight their dolls against each
other as everyone walks out. Kane’s music hits and in he comes, shaking
his head in disgust. Vickie and Brad leave. Kane sticks around. He picks
up the dolls and has the Clay doll knock the Cena doll down. He smiles.
That’s it, and thank god.
Brodus Clay vs. R-Truth
Following that horrendous backstage segment, The Funkadactyls come
out shaking their pom-poms as Brodus Clay and Tensai dance their way to
the ring. During their entrance, we see highlights of Clay’s semi-heel
turn on RAW. R-Truth raps his way to the ring with Xavier Woods. Truth
finishes his wrap and asks Houston, Texas to make some noise. He asks
them one final time, “what’s up?” and they must not know, because they
yell back “what’s up.” Anyways, the bell rings and Clay and Truth lock up. Clay throws Truth down with ease. Truth fires back at him with some punches. Truth continues punching away at Clay in the corner. Clay reverses him but walks into an elbow and then a kick. Truth hops onto the middle rope and comes off with a missile dropkick onto Clay. Truth hits a scissors-kick to the back of Clay’s head for a near fall. Clay rolls out to the floor but Truth follows him out via a big dive onto the floor. Truth yells again “what’s up?” to the fans, and they still don’t know, as they as well want to know “what’s up?”
Meanwhile, Clay is in control of Truth in the ring. Clay comes off the ropes and splashes Truth on the mat. Clay nails Truth with a jumping double leg-drop. We get a shot of Xavier Woods shouting encouragement to Truth in the ring. Clay continues mauling Truth with ease now. Clay mocks Truth’s “what’s up?” catchphrase and hits Truth with a t-bone suplex. Clay mocks his own dance a bit and then hits a running splash on Truth in the corner. And another. Truth slumps to the mat like he was shot. Truth rolls out to the floor to try and recover but Clay goes out after him. Tensai gets in Clay’s face on the floor. He tells Clay to quit pummeling Truth and just pin him to get the win. Clay yells back as Truth rolls into the ring.

Clay goes back in the ring and hangs Truth upside down in the corner. Clay splashes Truth repeatedly in the corner as Tensai yells at him from the floor to stop it and just beat him. Tensai hops on the apron and again tells him to quit beating up Truth and to just pin him already. Clay shouts that he’s a main event player and that he’s better than Tensai. Tensai gets mad and walks to the back. The Funkadactyls are yelled at by Clay so they walk off as well. Clay turns around and Truth blasts Clay with a big kick. 1-2-3. R-Truth pulls off the upset.
Winner: R-Truth
Backstage: John Cena & Vince McMahon
Backstage, we see John Cena talking to someone. Vince McMahon walks up. The two shake hands. McMahon walks away.
No Disqualification Match
- Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz
Kofi Kingston comes to the ring. Out next is The Miz. While Miz comes
to the ring the announcers discuss the fact that ths is a no
disqualification match and the reason for the no-DQ is because of their
heated altercation during the Kickoff Show and their multiple exchanges
and matches throughout the past few weeks.- Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz
The bell sounds and Kingston goes right to work on Miz. The two end up on the floor and Kingston continues to beatdown Miz. Kingston goes for the Trouble In Paradise kick on Miz on the floor but Miz moves and Kingston kicks the ring post. Kingston is selling his leg now. Miz stalks Kingston a bit and then DDTs him on the floor. Miz rolls Kingston back in the ring and covers him for a pin attempt. Kingston kicks out at two.
Miz continues to work over the “injured” right leg of Kingston from the missed kick into the post moments ago. Miz is now slapping Kingston to make up for the smack he gave him earlier during the Kickoff Show. Kingston rolls up Miz out of nowhere for a near fall. Miz again goes to work on Kingston’s leg. Miz slaps Kingston a few times again before going back to work on his leg. Kingston finally launches Miz over the top rope and onto the floor. Kingston goes out after Miz, limping towards him, but Miz catches him and drops him on the barricade. Miz runs and blasts Kingston with a big kick as Cole puts over Miz’s “killer instinct” here tonight.
Miz rolls Kingston back in the ring and tries to pin him, but Kingston again kicks out at two. Miz goes over to the turnbuckle and is taking the padding off of the top turnbuckle. The turnbuckle is exposed now and Miz goes over and kicks Kingston a few times. Miz hits a running knee-lift to the face of Kingston. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale onto the exposed turnbuckle but Kingston reverses it into a pin attempt. Miz kicks out at two and immediately goes back to work on Kingston. Miz goes up to the top rope but comes off and is caught by a dropkick from Kingston. Kingston sells the leg again. As all of this is going on, one or two people attempt to get a “this is awesome” (or Miz is awesome) chant going, but instead, a very loud “boring, boring” chant breaks out. Now the crowd is chanting “we want tables.”
Miz works on Kingston’s leg a bit more. Miz goes for the figure four leg lock but Kingston kicks Miz off and Miz hits his face on the exposed turnbuckle. When Miz turns around, he eats a Trouble In Paradise kick from Kingston. 1-2-3. Kingston wins. His music immediately plays. Seems like they were rushed to go home near the end in that one.
Winner: Kofi Kingston
Tribute To The Troops Hype, Title Unification Hype, Daniel Bryan vs. Wyatt Family Hype
After a Tribute To The Troops commercial, we return live in the arena to a close-up shot of both the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships hanging above the ring.
Michael Cole runs down some facts about Cena and Orton’s history as
champions and history in the company. A tale of the tape rundown, if you
will. After that, we go to the commentary table and Michael Cole talks
about CM Punk pulling off the upset against The Shield. He questions if
Daniel Bryan can do the same with The Wyatt Family, as that match is up
next. We see a video package highlighting the history of the Daniel
Bryan and Wyatt Family feud.
Handicap Match
- Daniel Bryan vs. The Wyatt Family
Following the video package, Daniel Bryan’s music hits
and the crowd goes nuts. They immediately start the “Yes!” chants and
out comes Bryan waving the “Yes!” towel and doing his own “Yes!” chant.
His beard, by the way, seems like it’s grown ten inches or so since
Monday’s RAW. Wow. Lilian Garcia introduces Bryan and the crowd
continues to do the loud “Yes!” chants. Bray Wyatt lights the lantern
and informs us that, “we’re here.” Out come The Wyatt Family with their
creepy, but spectacular, ring entrance. Bray stops near the ring and sits down in his rocking chair. Erick Rowan and Luke Harper get on the ring apron. - Daniel Bryan vs. The Wyatt Family
As Rowan is taking his sheep mask off, Bryan blasts him with somewhat of a cheap shot. Bryan is throwing multiple kicks at Rowan. Rowan eventually slows Bryan down with a big clothesline. An enormous “Daniel Bryan” chant breaks out as Rowan tags in Harper. Harper continues the beatdown of Bryan as we see Bray Wyatt rocking in his chair with a big smile on his face. For those keeping track, Bray’s beard is looking ridiculously long as well. Bryan takes out the leg of Harper now and has him grounded. Harper is back up and cuts Bryan off. Harper tags Rowan back in.
Rowan chokes Bryan with his boot in the corner as the crowd chants for “Daniel Bryan” loudly again. Rowan scoops Bryan up and slams him. He plays with his own beard a bit and then slams Bryan again. Rowan has Bryan in a bear hug now and is shaking Bryan around like Chyna used to do to Marlena early in her career. JBL and Jerry Lawler goof on Michael Cole a bit for being a “history buff” as Rowan beats up Bryan some more. Rowan tags Harper back in. Harper hits a sit-out slam on Bryan for a near fall. Bray Wyatt finally gets up out of his rocking chair. He takes his Hawaiian shirt off and enters the ring via a tagt from Harper.
Bray yells “it didn’t have to be like this, we coulda been friends Bryan. I coulda helped you!” Bray runs at Bryan and splashes him in the corner. Bray viciously attacks Bryan in the corner as the ref tries to break things up. Bray stops his attack momentarily to look at the crowd and smile. Bray throws Bryan across the ring. Bray drops to his back and rolls around and laughs. Bray gets up in the crab-walk position and taunts Bryan some more before popping up quickly and tagging Harper. The crowd chants “that was creepy” at Bray. Indeed it was, but it was also awesome. Harper tags in Rowan, who picks up where Harper left off, beating up Bryan in a one-sided match.
Rowan tags Harper back in and throws him face-first into a boot by Harper. Harper stomps Bryan a bit more and then tags Bray back in. Bray yells at Bryan to “look at these people. Look at these disgusting people. You coulda been like me. We could have destroyed this place.” He offers Bryan one more chance to shake his hand and he’ll make all of this go away. He tells Bryan this is his last chance. Bryan slaps Bray’s hand away. Bray goes at Bryan for a clothesline but Bryan starts firing back punches. Bray ends up viciously tackling Bryan and then taunts him a bit more before tagging Harper in and yelling at Harper to “finish him.” Harper nails Bryan with a sit-down powerbomb for a near fall.
Harper gets some advice in his ear from Bray. Harper goes for a big boot on Bryan but misses. Bryan is shaking his head now and is Warrior’ing or Hulk’ing up. Whichever you prefer. Bryan scoops Harper up and sits him on the top rope. The two are standing on the top rope now. Bryan hits a back-suplex off the top rope on Harper. 1-2…Harper kicks out at 2 and a half. Bryan continues shaking his head and Hulk’ing up. The crowd erupts into a loud “Yes! Yes! Yes!” chant. Bryan nails Harper with a bunch of “Yes!” kicks. Whoooaaaaa “Yes!” and he nails the final one. Bryan goes to the top rope and comes flying off with a headbutt for another near fall. Rowan comes in from behind but Byan catches him with kicks also. Rowan’s arms are tied in the ropes now and Bryan hits a bunch of “Yes!” kicks on him as well. Bray Wyatt is tagged in.
Bryan pulls down the top rope and Harper and Rowan both end up on the floor. Bryan hits a dive onto Harper on the floor and then drop toe-holds Rowan face-first into the ringside steps. Bryan goes to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick on Bray Wyatt. Bryan goes for the “Yes! Lock” on Bray but Bray avoids it and pummels Bryan with punches on the ground. Bray hoists Bryan up and nails him with his Sister Abigail finisher. 1-2-3. Bray Wyatt pins him. The Wyatt Family wins. Bray cradles Bryan in his arms like a baby and holds his head as The Wyatt Family music plays. The match was pretty damn cool.
Winners: The Wyatt Family
TLC Title Unification Match
- John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton (c)
We shoot back to the expert panel and the guys do some final hype for
the title unification match between John Cena and Randy Orton, which is
coming up next. The video package for the match airs. After the video
package airs, Randy Orton’s music hits and out comes the World Heavyweight
Champion. There are tables, ladders and chairs all over the aisle now.
Orton stairs up at the two title belts hanging above the center of the ring. Orton’s music hits and WWE does a long, drawn out dramatic silence before John Cena’s music hits.
The crowd explodes with their typical mixed reaction and out comes the
WWE Champion. “Tonight is history” is Cena’s little direct statement to
the camera before he begins his sprint to the ring. The bell rings and
Justin Roberts does the formal introductions for the evening’s main
event. He makes sure to announce that the winner will be determined when a man climbs a ladder and retrieves both belts. At that point, we will crown the new “WWE World Heavyweight Champion,” which is the official name of the new title holder from this point forward.- John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton (c)

The bell rings again and here we go ladies and gentlemen! As long as WWE doesn’t screw with the finish, then yes, history will indeed be made here during the final WWE pay-per-view event of 2013. Cena and Orton circle each other. The two stop to let the crowd do their split “let’s go Cena, Cena sucks” chant. They lock up and Cena pushes Orton into the corner. Cena headlocks Orton and takes him down. The fight spills out to the floor and Orton grabs a ladder and throws it into the ring. Orton sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring as Cena comes in to stop him. Cena slams the ladder into Orton. Orton rolls out to the floor. Cena does as well. Cena grabs a table and throws it in the ring. “It didn’t take long for the toys to come out!” exclaims JBL on commentary. “Let’s go Cena, Cena sucks” exclaims thousands of WWE fans in Houston, Texas. The table is propped up in the corner. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Orton escapes. Cena throws Orton to the floor. Orton grabs a steel chair and comes back in the ring. Orton goes to blast Cena with a chair but Cena blocks it. Orton knocks Cena down and nails him in the back with a chair. Now Orton hits Cena in the ribs with the chair in a stabbing motion.
Orton throws the chair down and goes out after Cena, who rolled out of the ring. Orton grabs another chair on the floor. He goes to whack Cena with that one and I guess he does, but it looked more like Cena moved and Orton hit the ringside steps. Orton smashes another chair across Cena’s back, and there is no questioning whether or not that one landed. Youch. Orton goes to swing it again but Cena moves and Orton nails the post. Cena has a chair now and Cena blasts Orton repeatedly with it. The last chair shot from Cena was absolutely vicious. Man oh man, these guys are going for it early on.
Cena opens and sets up a table on the floor as Orton crawls around the other side of the ring, still hurt from the aforementioned chair shot. Cena hoists Orton up and attempts to powerbomb him through the table, but Orton slides out the back door and shoves Cena into the ringside steps.
Orton grabs another ladder and brings it into the ring. Orton sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring and begins to climb. Orton gets his fingertips on the belts but Cena is in the ring now. Cena yanks Orton down. Cena goes to hit the ropes and can be overheard saying “dropkick.” Sure enough, Cena comes off the ropes and eats a dropkick from Orton. Whoops! The ladder is thrown out of the way and Orton continues his attack on Cena. Orton drops some knees onto the face of Cena. Orton now taunts Cena a bit as Cena crawls up Orton’s body. Orton blasts Cena with a punch but Cena punches back. The two trade punches until Cena hits the ropes. When he comes off, Orton catches him with a big powerslam. Orton stomps on the inside thigh-area of Cena as we get a nice closeup shot of the two titles dangling above the ring.
Orton goes outside the ring again and grabs yet another ladder. When he comes back into the ring, Cena has the ladder and blasts Orton in the gut with it. Cena sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring. Cena begins to climb. Orton blasts Cena with punches on the back and pulls him off the ladder. Orton nails Cena with a back-suplex and looks up at the belts. Orton grabs a chair and we can overhear the two calling another spot. The ladder is moved and Orton blasts Cena in the back with two extremely hard chair shots. It seems like this is one of those matches where the guys agreed to “go for it” ahead of time. They are truly baseball swinging these chair shots.
Cena is firing up on offense now during a comeback. Two shoulder tackles and a side-slam by Cena sets up a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes to tell Orton that “he can’t see him” but Orton throws a kick up to Cena’s face from his back and nails him. Orton stands up and throws Cena face-first into a steel chair that was wedged into the corner. Cena remains lifeless half-standing in the corner still selling that spot. Orton rolls out to the floor and sets up another ladder in the middle of the ring. Orton grabs both titles but Cena stops him just in time. Cena knocks Orton off the ladder. Cena climbs the ladder and does the “you can’t see me” gesture followed by a Five Knuckle Shuffle off of the ladder.
Cena grabs a ladder and blasts Orton, who is standing outside the ropes on the apron, with a big shot. Orton falls off the apron and crashes through the table on the floor that was set up earlier. Cena sets the ladder up and begins to climb. As he nears the top, Orton gets back in the ring, yanks Cena off the ladder, and blasts him with a RKO out of nowhere. Both guys are down. Each guy gets up to one knee and they trade punches. Orton starts mixing in some headbutts. Cena starts punching back. Cena hits the ropes and runs into Orton, nailing him with a clothesline that sends him over the top rope. Cena goes out after him. Cena picks up the ringside steps and blasts Orton with it. Orton is bleeding from the face now. Orton gets up and Cena blasts him with the steps again. Cena grabs another table and throws it into the ring.
Cena rolls into the ring and leans the table in the corner. There are two corners of the ring now with tables propped up in them. Cena goes out to grab Orton but Orton pops up and blasts Cena with a microphone shot that echo’s throughout the Toyota Center. Orton places Cena across the ringside steps and stomps on his head. Orton has the microphone again and repeatedly blasts Cena with it in the face. Orton clears off the Spanish announce table and the crowd pops.
Orton waits for Cena to get up. Orton runs at him and attempts to nail him with a punt kick, but Cena pops up, avoids it, and hits Orton with an Attitude Adjustment through the Spanish announce table. Both guys are down. Cena is up first. Cena uses the ropes to pull himself into the ring. Orton is now crawling out of what is left of the Spanish announce table on the floor.
We’re in the ring now and Cena is setting up a ladder. Cena is moving slowly, but is finally starting to make his climb. Cena has a firm grasp on both of the titles. Cena is hanging onto the titles now as Orton pushes the ladder out from underneath him. Cena is dangling, holding onto the loop that holds the belts above the ring with no ladder underneath him. Orton whacks Cena with a chair while he is dangling and Cena goes crashing to the canvas. Orton has a sick smirk on his face now as he waits to hit Cena with a homerun shot with the chair. As Cena gets up, Orton goes for a big swing. Cena ducks it and spears Orton thruogh the table set up in the corner of the ring.
Orton rolls out to the floor. Orton starts ripping the padded mats off the floor. Orton finds a pair of handcuffs. Orton cuffs Cena to the bottom rope. Cena’s left hand is now cuffed to the bottom rope. Cena looks scared now that he’s stuck. Orton shows Cena the key and smiles. Orton rolls into the ring. Cena stands up with his hand still cuffed to the bottom rope. Cena kicks at Orton but can’t reach him. Orton throws the key into the crowd. Cena drops to his ass and is putting his feet on the ropes, trying to break the cuffs off with brute force. Orton walks up the ramp as if he’s leaving.
Orton grabs a ladder from far up the entrance way and walks it back to the ring. Cena is outside of the ring now on the ground still cuffed to the bottom line. Orton nails Cena with the ladder and then throws the ladder in the ring. Cena rolls back into the ring, still cuffed to the bottom rope. Orton sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring. Cena takes the entire turnbuckle and rope off of the ring post. So he’s still cuffed to the bottom rope, but he’s got the entire bottom rope and turnbuckle with him. He climbs up the ladder like that and knocks Orton off. Cena is tripped up in the rope that he’s attatched to at the top of the ladder. Orton grabs part of the bottom rope and the two are having a tug-of-war with the rope that Cena is still cuffed to. Orton finally pulls it hard and Cena comes falling off the ladder near the table in the other corner of the ring. Looks like he was supposed to go through that table during that spot. Whoops!
Orton climbs back up the ladder and grabs the titles. He has them, but stops and looks around. He looks back down at Cena. He slowly reaches up to unhook them but pauses. He slowly unhooks the two title belts. Ding ding ding. Randy Orton is the new “WWE World Heavyweight Champion.” Pretty damn good match, by the way.
Winner and NEW WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton
After The Match
Orton stands tall on the ladder holding up both titles. We see some
replays of the highlights of the match. When the highlights end, we see a
disappointed Cena still on the ground, finally coming to and realizing
what has just happened. Orton has both titles held high above his head.
Vince McMahon’s music hits. Out comes the Chairman of the Board along
with The Authority, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. All three walk to
the ring. Stephanie is smiling and clapping. Vince is doing a mild
version of his normal strut. Triple H is just walking. The three enter
the ring. Stephanie hugs Orton. HHH and Vince congratulate Orton as we
get another shot of Cena looking up at all of this looking disappointed
in himself. Orton holds the belts up again as Vince and HHH extend their
hands as if to present their new WWE World Heavyweight Champion to the
WWE Universe. Orton holds the titles up and we get one last shot of Cena
shaking his head before we get one final image of Orton celebrating his
victory. The show ends on that note.
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