WWE RAW Results 7/28/14
WWE Monday Night RAW Results
July 28, 2014
Houston, Texas
“Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show.
The show kicks off with a recap of what happened with Stephanie McMahon and Brie Bella last week. Brie Bella bought a ringside seat to support her sister, Nikki, who was put into a 4-on-1 Handicap match due to Stephanie McMahon wanting to punish her. Stephanie came down and wound up slapping Brie in the face. Later in the night, Miami police arrested Stephanie for battery due to Brie no longer working for the company. Later in the night, Triple H went to introduce Randy Orton as the number one contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam, but Roman Reigns interfered and beat Orton up. Paul Heyman then came out with Brock Lesnar, and Triple H booked the match. Heyman guaranteed Lesnar would become the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
John Cena addresses his SummerSlam match against Brock Lesnar
John Cena makes his way down to the ring to his usual mixed reaction, though there appears to be a lot more boos than cheers. Cena is not acting as happy-go-lucky as he normally does. Cena gets in the ring. Once the music stops, the boos pick up. Cena says they’re a lively bunch. Normally he would share in the enthusiasm, but last week it was revealed to him and the world what Plan C was. He hoped it wouldn’t happen, but it is Brock Lesnar. He is a marked man by The Authority. They want the WWE World Heavyweight Championship off his neck so badly that they hired a mercenary. His opponent at SummerSlam is THE Brock Lesnar. Last week it was announced, and there were a lot of cheers. Paul Heyman spoke very eloquently to all members of the WWE Universe: those who get tucked in at night and those who don’t. There were cheers because many in the WWE Universe want to see Brock Lesnar beat the hell out of him. The crowd erupts and a “YES!” chant breaks out.
Cena says he is not deaf, and he knows who his opponent is. Brock Lesnar is the most devastating force in the WWE. His destruction is seismic. With the precision of a surgeon, he destroys who he wants when he wants. Forty men have been able to say that they were champion. One Beast has defeated The Streak. Heyman was right. At SummerSlam, he will get the beating of a lifetime. Cena tells those who are happy about that to cheer it up, and they do. Cena says at SummerSlam there is a Beast in his windshield, and he’ll get his ass kicked. He will not lie down, though. He will fight. He is going to SummerSlam to beat Brock Lesnar, just like he did in 2012. The crowd loudly boos this.
Cena says for those who cheer and boo, he doesn’t think The Authority or the people realize what will happen to the title if Lesnar becomes champion. Lesnar is a mercenary and a hired gun. Lesnar fights when he wants and destroys what he wants. Cena doesn’t know who else can stop him. No one can control Lesnar, even Paul Heyman.
Paul Heyman makes his way out to the stage, and the crowd cheers him before the boos pick up. Heyman says, “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and at SummerSlam, my client, Brock Lesnar, will conquer John Cena and take away from him the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.” Cena angrily looks at Heyman. Heyman says he thinks Cena is very courageous because he realizes the beating that is coming his way. Heyman doesn’t think Cena understands that he said some mighty big words from a man who is about to be turned into a victim. Heyman asks if Cena knows what it’s like to be victimized. Cena has suffered from defeat and rose to the occasion. Cena has even taken beatings and come back for revenge. Cena has never in his life been victimized. Heyman says Cena can ask The Undertaker what it’s like to be victimized. Heyman then says you can’t ask The Undertaker because no one has seen or heard from him since WrestleMania. Cena is on the offensive. Cena wants to defend the title and survive against his client, but his client, Brock Lesnar, is looking to conquer him. His client is charging forward and is on the offensive. Lesnar won’t just F-5 Cena and pin him, he’s going to also victimize him ruthlessly and mercilessly.
Heyman says Cena is a man with great passion. Cena loves being the WWE Champion and representing those who say, “Let’s go Cena” and “Cena sucks.” Cena loves being in WWE. The only thing Brock Lesnar is passionate about is the sadistic pleasure he gets when he realizes that he is inflicting pain on his victim. Lesnar is salivating at the thought of Cena waking up from his beating and realizing he is no longer champion. All John Cena will be is beaten, victimized, and conquered.
Cena says he is sick of Heyman’s crap and wants to talk to him for real. Cena says Heyman mentioned “passion,” which is something that even Heyman can understand. Cena brings up ECW and gets a chant going. Those who watched and fought with him chant that. Even Heyman smiles at that when they do that. Cena says he shares passion with Heyman. Cena says this is it for him. This is his life. Good, bad, or indifferent, he shows up to work on time and works his ass off because he loves this place and loves what it represents. He has passion for it and the title. The crowd is cheering him. That 300-pound gorilla has no passion for anything other than himself. He is big, strong, and a super-athlete, but what separates him from Cena is heart. Cena says, “When the chips are down, he may beat the hell out of me, but he’s going to have to beat every last breath out of this body because I’m heading into SummerSlam as champion, and I’m walking out with the son of a bitch!”
Cesaro’s music hits, and he comes out to the stage. Cesaro hugs Heyman, and he looks confused. Cesaro says even though he and Heyman have gone their separate ways, he won’t allow Cena to talk about his friend like that. Cena is not a wrestler. He’s a big, muscled up walking billboard. Cena leaves the ring and goes to the foot of the stage. Cesaro asks where he got his shoes. Cesaro says you can’t wrestle in sneakers. Cesaro then says Cena just can’t wrestle. Cesaro then says he’ll prove it in a match right now. Cena gets in the ring, and Heyman says that’s an acceptance. Heyman says this is a bonus. Cena then tells Heyman to shut up. Cena says it’ll be an honor for him, the walking billboard who can’t wrestle, wrestle circles around him and beat him in the ring.
-Commercial Break-
John Cena vs. Cesaro 
The bell rings, and they circle the ring. Cesaro goes for a test of strength, and Cena accepts. Cesaro powers him down to his knees, but Cena fights up. Cesaro kicks him and applies a hammerlock, but Cena gets out with a snapmare. Cena then hits a headlock takeover. Cesaro fights up from the headlock and whips him off. Cesaro leapfrogs him and goes for a hip toss, but Cena blocks it and hits a monkey flip. Cena then hits a second headlock takeover. Cesaro fights up again and gets out. Cesaro hits a headlock takeover, but Cena fights up and whips him off. Cesaro catches him trying a leapfrog, but Cesaro counters into a powerslam. Cesaro punches him in the corner before stomping him. A “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chant breaks out. Cena gets out of a body slam, ducks a clothesline, and hits a scary looking hurricanrana for a two count.
Cena punches him in the corner before sending him to the opposite corner. Cena runs into an elbow. Cesaro then hits a body shot. Cesaro hangs him out on the apron and does a double stomp. Cena gets up on the apron and trades punches with Cesaro. Cesaro comes out on top and gets him off the apron with a shoulder thrust. Cesaro taunts the crowd as the referee begins counting Cena out. Cena gets back in and takes Cesaro down. Cena punches before putting him in the corner and punching. Cena goes for a bulldog, but Cesaro throws him off. Cesaro punches away at him as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Cena block a kick. Cena ducks a clothesline and hits a pair of shoulder blocks. Cena goes for a back suplex powerbomb, but Cesaro counters into a big DDT for a near fall! Cesaro does the “You can’t see me” taunt before trying for the Cesaro Swing, but Cena sit up and counters into a roll up for a two count! Cena then hits him with a big powerbomb for another near fall! The crowd is absolutely red hot for this.
Cena goes to the top rope, but Cesaro hits the ropes to crotch him up there. Cesaro then big boots him down on the apron. Cesaro goes to the second rope and hits a powerful superplex while Cena was on the apron! Cena kicks out of that. Cesaro pins him again, but Cena kicks out once again. Cesaro backs up and waits for Cena to get up. Cesaro runs into a boot. Cena comes off the second rope, but Cesaro catches him mid-air and counters into the Cesaro Swing! Cesaro does about eleven revolutions before turning it into a modified Sharpshooter using only his arms!
Cena gets out and goes for the STF, but Cesaro kicks him away. Cena then hits a back suplex powerbomb and hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena gets him on his shoulders and slowly climbs to the second rope! Cesaro gets to his feet and head-butts him down to the canvas. Cesaro goes to the top rope and goes for a cross-body block, but Cena rolls through it. Cena then powers him to his shoulders and goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Cesaro lands on his feet! Cesaro big boots him before hitting a Very European Uppercut for a near fall! Cesaro can’t believe it! The crowd is chanting, “This is awesome.”
Cesaro picks Cena up and goes for the Neutralizer. Cena counters with a back body drop, but Cesaro lands on his feet. Cesaro hits a big boot. Cena falls into the ropes and comes back with a big boot of his own. Cesaro goes to the apron and big boots Cena once more. Cesaro goes to the top rope, but Cena cuts him off. Cena then hits an Attitude Adjustment off the top rope and picks up the win!
Winner by Pinfall: John Cena
Match Rating: ****
Replays are shown of the big moments in the match. Cena then celebrates with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
Stephanie McMahon has invited Brie Bella to RAW tonight. Will they be able to clear the air?
Stephanie McMahon is backstage with Triple H. Stephanie says she thought she could do it, but she’s having second thoughts. Stephanie says she has been keeping up appearances, but it’s a little different now that they’re here. Stephanie says she can’t go back there and bear the look at her daughters’ eyes with the disappointment. They were disappointed at their mother. Stephanie says she can’t forget that. Stephanie says this better work. Triple H says it will.
Randy Orton walks in and interrupts them. Orton says the original plan was supposed to be him facing John Cena at SummerSlam. Triple H says that was the plan. Orton then mentioned that Roman Reigns got involved and Brock Lesnar got involved instead. Triple H says that’s true. Triple H could change the match, but plans change. It could be Orton versus Cena, but he won’t do that. Triple H says as long as Roman Reigns is in the picture, Orton won’t get a shot. Orton asks if Reigns cost him his title shot. Triple H says Reigns cost him that and a whole lot more. Orton won’t get any more title shots because Reigns will screw them up. Triple H tells Orton to finish Reigns off to get another shot. Orton says he’ll do it tonight. Triple H says Reigns is going one-on-one with Kane tonight. Orton says he has a problem with Kane, and now he has a problem with Triple H. Orton then walks off as Triple H looks on angrily.
-Commercial Break-
Paige talks about her attack on AJ Lee
Paige skips down to the ring as they show replays of her attacking AJ Lee last week on RAW. Paige says she wants to set the record straight. She’s young, so she sometimes lets her emotions get the better of her. Paige still thinks of AJ as he best friend in the entire world. What she did last week was deplorable. In that moment, she didn’t think of her as a friend. She thought of her as someone who took her title. She crossed the line, but she promises to never act that way ever again.
AJ Lee’s music hits, and the WWE Divas Champion skips down to the ring. AJ gets in the ring and smiles. A “CM Punk” chant breaks up. AJ calls Paige her sweet, young, Casper looking little crumpet. Paige interrupts her, but AJ cuts her off. AJ says she gets it. She gets why Paige is mad. She knows what it feels like to have the Divas Title taken away in an instant. Paige did that to her, but if she wants to be like her and skip, she has to know that she doesn’t play little girl games. She doesn’t smile at people and whisper about them behind their back. AJ says if she has a problem or doesn’t like you, it’ll be to your face. AJ says that’s what a real woman does. Paige swears that she is her real friend. If she doesn’t believe that, then she’s crazy. AJ looks down before looking at her cross. AJ asks what Paige just called her. Paige says she didn’t mean to call her that. Paige says she would never make fun of AJ’s mental health.
AJ smiles and says she gets it. AJ says it was a mistake. It happens to the best of us. Paige spoke and acted without thinking. It happens to all of them, even to those who are a little bit off their rockers. AJ then attacks Paige before throwing her out of the ring. The crowd cheers this loudly. AJ slams her into the barricade before Paige escapes. Paige wonders why it has to be like this. Another big “CM Punk” chant breaks out. AJ then stands in the ring and holds the title up. AJ tells her to come and get it.
Roman Reigns will face Kane later tonight. Randy Orton wants to get his hands on Roman Reigns, so that should play into the match according to Michael Cole.
-Commercial Break-
The Authority asks for Brie Bella to clear the air
Triple H and Stephanie McMahon come out to the stage. Triple H whispers in Stephanie’s ear, and she smirks. Stephanie then goes back to having a stone-face. A replay is shown of Stephanie slapping Brie Bella in the face. Later in the evening, Stephanie was arrested for battery. Stephanie looks sad in the ring as the crowd chants, “Jailbird.” Stephanie looks like she’s going to cry. Triple H says he’s shared a lot of moments with the crowd over the years. They’ve laughed and cried together. He’s been proud of them, but he’s also been disappointed a few times. He’s never been more disappointed than he was last Monday. He was disgusted and angry. He still is. Triple H says they laughed at his wife when she was arrested last week, and the crowd cheers loudly. Triple H says they found it funny that the mother of his children was handcuffed like a common criminal and dragged out of the arena. They had the guts to laugh and sing while his wife was thrown into a cruiser like a common criminal. The crowd loudly chants while Stephanie looks on the verge of tears. Triple H says he’ll never forgive the crowd for that.
Triple H asks if they know what that did to his wife. It hurt her badly, and they think it’s funny. It was all over a simple misunderstanding. Brie Bella antagonized his wife. She was just defending herself, so it was perfectly acceptable for her to slap Brie. Brie was asking for it. It was a simple misunderstanding because the reality of this situation is all the charges have been dropped. Everything with the exception of one – the assault and battery charge Brie Bella has. Brie refuses to let it go. A big “YES!” chant breaks out. Triple H says they are here to reconcile that misunderstanding. Stephanie asked Brie Bella to come tonight so they can put this whole, ugly incident behind them.
Stephanie takes the microphone, and the crowd loudly boos her. They then chant, “Jailbird.” Stephanie then asks for Brie to come out so they can get this over with. Chris Jericho’s music hits, and he makes his way out to the stage smiling. Jericho feigns sadness. Triple H says Jericho may not have noticed they were in the middle of something. Jericho says he feels so bad about what happened to Stephanie. Jericho says he wanted to come out and give his sympathies with a song. Jericho then sings the theme song to “Cops” – “Bad Boys.” The crowd then sings it by themselves. Stephanie puts her fingers in her ears. Jericho says they sound great, and they erupt with cheers. Triple H does a fake laugh before asking if Jericho thinks this is funny. A big “YES!” chant breaks out. Jericho says this is pretty funny. This is 2014 and Orange is the new Black. It’s all right to be a jailbird nowadays. These are the moments why the WWE Network was created so we can watch Stephanie get handcuffed and carted away over and over again. Triple H says he’s not in the mood for this.
Jericho wants to give her credit. She has stood by her little flower’s side. The big, bad, bald protector with the really big nose made sure his wife was ok, but he has a question. Why when Stephanie was arrested didn’t he leave the arena with her. Jericho says Triple H waited until fifteen minutes after the show was over. Jericho thinks he knows the answer. Triple H is starting to realize that his wife is nothing more than “a filthy, dirty, brutal, bottom feeding, trash bag ho!” Triple H screams at him to shut up. Triple H says Jericho should focus less on them and focus on Bray Wyatt. Jericho says that’s the real reason why he’s out here. After what’s happened these last few weeks, he is focused on Bray Wyatt. He wants Wyatt in that ring tonight. Triple H says he’ll have to wait until SummerSlam. As for tonight…
Seth Rollins then hits Jericho from behind with the Money in the Bank briefcase! Triple H says tonight Jericho will face Seth Rollins. Triple H’s music plays while Jericho writhes in pain on the ramp.
Replays are shown from earlier in the evening when John Cena told Paul Heyman that he was leaving SummerSlam still the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
Roman Reigns will face Kane later tonight.
-Commercial Break-
RybAxel and The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler and The Usos
The Miz slowly takes off his glasses. Dolph Ziggler goes to punch him in the face, but Miz tags in Ryback and gets out of the ring. Ryback clubs Ziggler down before giving him a face-buster. Ryback hits a big splash for a two count. Curtis Axel is tagged in, and he kicks Ziggler in the ribs. Axel dropkicks him down for a one count. Axel applies a chin lock, but Ziggler fights up. Axel punches him down before trying for a splash, but Ziggler avoids it. Jimmy Uso is tagged in, and he hits a shoulder block. Jimmy goes into the ropes and hits Road Dogg’s old Shake, Rattle, and Roll. Jimmy then kicks him in the knee and hits a running hip bump in the corner. Xavier Woods is seen watching backstage with Big E and Kofi Kingston. Jimmy hits a baseball slide on Axel. Jimmy then ducks a clothesline from Ryback as Jey Uso hits him with a flying clothesline off the barricade. Ziggler goes to punch Miz in the face, but he scurries away. Miz is still wearing his sunglasses.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see The Miz tag in and kick Jimmy in the ribs. Xavier Woods is at ringside with Big E and Kofi Kingston. Miz pulls the hair before applying a chin lock. A “We want Ziggler” chant breaks out. Jimmy fights up, but Miz sends him into the ropes and connects with a knee to the midsection. Miz takes a cheap shot at Ziggler before kicking away at Jimmy. Ryback tags in, and he stomps Jimmy. Axel tags in, and he stomps at him before choking him with his boot. Axel clubs him in the head before hitting a running knee trembler for a two count. Miz tags in and stomps him before applying a chin lock. Jimmy fights up, but Miz counters into a Reality Check. Jimmy gets out of that and hits a thrust kick to the midsection. Miz holds the leg to prevent him from tagging in.
Ziggler and Ryback are tagged in. Ziggler ducks a clothesline and hits a flying clothesline. Ziggler dropkicks him down before hitting a baseball slide on Miz. Ziggler hits a Stinger Splash before connecting with a neckbreaker. Ziggler drops an elbow and goes for a famouser, but Ryback avoids him. Ryback goes for Shell Shocked, but Ziggler goes for a roll up. Ryback goes for a tag, but no one is in his corner. Ziggler then connects with a big DDT, but Miz breaks up the pinfall. The Usos run in and clear the ring. Jimmy hits Axel with a leaping cross-body block to the outside. Jey Uso goes for one on The Miz, but Miz hangs him up on the top rope. Ziggler almost punches Miz in the face, but he gets away. Ryback goes for a powerbomb, but Ziggler gets out and hits the Zig-Zag for the win!
Winners by Pinfall: Dolph Ziggler and The Usos
Match Rating: **
The Miz puts his sunglasses on and points to the “moneymaker.” Dolph Ziggler points at him and challenges him.
Stephanie McMahon and Brie Bella will meet in the ring later tonight.
-Commercial Break-
R-Truth is in the ring rapping when we come back from commercial.
Bo Dallas makes his way to the ring. Dallas says that everyone knows that R-Truth can’t be undefeated like him. Actually, R-Truth has lost a lot of matches in his careers. Dallas laughs before reiterating that he lost A LOT. Dallas knows that he can one day be victorious. All he has to do is Bolieve!
R-Truth vs. Bo Dallas
They circle the ring and lock up. Dallas applies a side headlock. R-Truth whips him off, and Dallas shoulder blocks him down. Dallas hits the ropes and hits a second one. Dallas then does a victory lap around the ring. R-Truth cannot believe what he’s seeing. Dallas gets in the ring celebrating, and R-Truth rolls him up for the win!! Bo Dallas is no longer undefeated!!
Winner by Pinfall: R-Truth
Match Rating: 1/2 *
Dallas takes a microphone and says, “I can’t Bolieve that you’re the first to beat me, Truth.” Dallas says it’s ok before hitting him in the head with a microphone. Dallas puts him in the corner and hits a bunch of clotheslines before throwing him down. Dallas brings him to the ring apron and puts the banner over him. Dallas clubs away at him before getting in the ring. Dallas then hits a double arm DDT. Dallas angrily stares at the crowd before smiling and raising his arms. The crowd is part booing and part cheering. Dallas does a victory lap before leaving.
Replays are shown of Chris Jericho interrupting Triple H and Stephanie McMahon’s attempt to talk to Brie Bella. Seth Rollins then attacked Jericho. They’ll be in action later tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Rusev and Lana have a collision with the Real Americans
Rusev is in the ring with Lana. Lana speaks Russian before saying the American flag (she stops to tell the crowd to shut up as they chant “USA”) is a statement. It used to stand for supremacy over all the nations. It used to fly over battlefields, the masts of ships, and even landed on the surface of the moon. Where is Old Glory now? It is a faded banner for a ruined nation ruled by cowards that get fat off our apathy. Lana says Russia continues to prove its might and is commanded by the fearless leader, Vladimir Putin. Putin’s image is shown on the screen. Lana asks what the puppet President Obama does. He waves his finger like a schoolteacher and warns us about the steep costs of Russia’s peacemaking actions. Lana says it is pathetic. President Obama is a laughable leader. Now, let’s take a look at the fool we elected before him to rule this rotting empire. A picture of George W. Bush is shown on the screen.
Jack Swagger’s music hits, and he comes out to the stage with the American flag and Zeb Colter. Colter says since Lana is holding class out here (he also calls her a blonde-headed, Bolshevik twit-head), he wants to give her a class on flags. He wants her and the dancing bear to listen. Colter says the American flag is a real flag. It has fifty stars and thirteen bars. No matter where it is in the world, everyone knows it represents the United States of America. What does it represent to a Real American? It represents a family sitting together at Thanksgiving giving thanks that they survived another year. We the people! It represents thousands of Americans sitting around a television watching football. We the people! It represents a father and his son fishing, a mother and daughter learning to cook together. It represents pick-up trucks, pretty girls, and beer! We the people! The crowd starts a USA chant.
To Colter, it represents the thousands of brave American men and women who fought and died for that flag to protect our liberty and preserve our freedom. Those are the things Lana viciously insults every time she steps in the ring. Every time she does that, she makes it easy for Real Americans everywhere to rise, put their hands over their hearts, and say, “We the people!”
Rusev gets out of the ring, and Jack Swagger runs down to ringside. Swagger clubs him in the face before sending him into the barricade. Rusev powers him into the barricade and slams him into it a few times. Rusev then whips him hard into another barricade. A huge USA chant breaks out as Rusev sends him into the ring. Rusev screams as Lana orders him to crush Swagger. Swagger then picks the ankle and goes for the Patriot Lock, but Rusev escapes. Swagger big boots him and hits a forearm that sends him off the apron. Rusev retreats up the ramp with Lana and the Russian Federation flag. Colter gets in the ring with the American flag and stands tall with Swagger. Swagger waves it around.
Roman Reigns will face Kane later tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Damien Sandow makes his way to the ring dressed as an astronaut. Sandow says, “Houston, we have a problem.” Sandow then says we have thousands of problems seated in the arena tonight. He’s searched the planet for signs of intelligent life, and all he has found are nitwits, dimwits, and half-wits, just like the Rosebuds. It’s one small step for man and one giant leap into the toilet for mankind.
Adam Rose makes his way to the ring with the Exotic Express. Rose does his shtick before saying Sandow is a sour little spaceman. It’s about time Sandow came back down to Earth in Houston, Texas. Rose tells him not to be a lemon – be a Rosebud. Sandow says they say no one can hear you scream in space so we should see what happens on Earth. Sandow then attacks him. Rose comes back with a takedown and punches.
Damien Sandow vs. Adam Rose
The bell rings, and Rose ducks a hit to connect with the Party Foul for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Adam Rose
Match Rating: N/A
Adam Rose dances up the ramp with his Rosebuds as Sandow lays in the ring unconscious.
Roman Reigns will face Kane, next.
-Commercial Break-
Dean Ambrose will face Alberto Del Rio tomorrow night on WWE Main Event live on the WWE Network.
Kane vs. Roman Reigns
Kane makes his way to the ring and waits for Roman Reigns. Reigns makes his way to the ring through the crowd, and Randy Orton attacks him! They trade punches, but Reigns comes out on top. Reigns throws Orton over the barricade and connects with a Superman Punch on Kane. Reigns bounces Orton off the ring steps. Kane uppercuts Reigns before throwing him into the ring. Reigns connects with a Samoan Drop on Kane before hitting a corner clothesline. Reigns punches him before Orton attacks him from behind. Reigns sends Orton into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Reigns quickly comes back with a Superman Punch on him. Kane then Chokeslams Reigns down. Kane leaves the ring as Orton stares at him.
Orton then continues his attack on Reigns before talking trash. Orton says, “You want to steal from me?” before punching away at him. Orton sets him up on the ropes and kicks him in the chest a few times. Orton then pulls him out of the ring. Orton stands over him and talks some more trash before sending him headfirst into the steel steps. Orton gets him back up and sends him into the other set of steps. Orton then sends him over the barricade and says he’ll show him what happens to people who take from him. Orton then gives him a hanging DDT off the barricade to the floor!
Orton takes the top half of the stairs off and slams Reigns’ face off the bottom half. Orton then dismantles the commentary table and tells Reigns that he cost him his title shot. Reigns will not get off easy. Orton puts the unconscious Reigns on top of the table. Orton stands on the table before looking out into the crowd. Orton pulls Reigns up by the hair and delivers an RKO on the table, but it doesn’t break! Orton then picks him up and delivers a second RKO that finally breaks the table! Orton screams at the crowd before standing over Reigns. Orton says that’s what happens when people steal from him and take things as precious as a title shot. Orton says, “Never again, boy. Never again.” Orton then poses for the crowd, and they loudly boo him.
-Commercial Break-
Roman Reigns is still down at ringside as they show replays of what just happened between him and Randy Orton.
Fandango vs. Diego w/ Summer Rae, Layla, and El Torito
Diego applies a waistlock, but Fandango elbows out. Fandango then reverses a whip into the corner and hits a back body drop. Fandango drops a knee before looking at Summer Rae and Layla. Diego punches him before hitting the ropes and eating a dropkick. Fandango picks up a two count. Fandango stomps him before hitting a suplex. Fandango goes to the top rope, and El Torito gets on the other turnbuckle. El Torito twerks before Fandango scares him off. Diego then catches him with a springboard roll up for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Diego
Match Rating: 1/4 *
Fandango yells at Summer Rae and Layla, but El Torito gores him in the groin to knock him off the apron. Diego, El Torito, Summer Rae, and Layla celebrate in the ring. El Torito then passes out from how good looking they are.
Stephanie McMahon is seen walking backstage. She goes up to the door of the Divas Locker Room and knocks. Nikki Bella comes out and asks if she wanted to see her. Stephanie says she was looking for Brie. Nikki says she’ll be there. Stephanie says she wanted to express herself. Nikki says Brie will be expressing herself. Stephanie says she hopes Brie will be reasonable. Nikki says it’s not often that people like Stephanie eat a plate of crap. Nikki hopes she likes the taste of it.
-Commercial Break-
Stardust is backstage flipping out at a chalkboard written with crazy things. He’s still looking for the Cosmic Key. Goldust asks what he’s doing, and Stardust talks in circles. Goldust says he knows where it is. Goldust asks if he sees it before looking out into the distance. Goldust then writes on the board, “They have it.” Goldust says soon it will belong to him… and Stardust blows stardust into his face before saying his name.
Alicia Fox and Cameron vs. Natalya and Naomi
Natalya will start the match against Alicia Fox. They circle the ring and lock up. Alicia applies a side headlock, but Natalya applies one of her own soon after. Alicia whips her off and hits a head-scissor. Natalya comes back with a snapmare before stepping on the back of her head and dropkicking her for a two count. Naomi tags in and hits an atomic drop. Naomi kicks her down before scaring Cameron off the apron. Alicia clubs her and sends her to the corner, but Naomi lands on the apron. Naomi kicks her in the face before jumping off the apron and viciously taking down Cameron! Naomi punches away at her before Alicia grabs her. Alicia puts her in the ring and hits the Scissors Kick for a near fall.
Cameron tags in, and she hits a snapmare with Naomi’s hair. Cameron talks a little trash before hitting a second snapmare with the hair. Cameron then turns her upside down and slams her into the corner for a two count. Cameron punches her before Naomi counters in a guillotine choke for the submission.
Winners by Submission: Natalya and Naomi
Match Rating: 1/2 *
The commentators run down the SummerSlam card. Chris Jericho versus Bray Wyatt has been added to the card.
Chris Jericho makes his entrance. A replay is shown of The Wyatt Family attacking him last week in the locker room. Footage is then shown of Seth Rollins attacking him earlier tonight. He’ll be in action against Seth Rollins, next.
-Commercial Break-
Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins
The bell rings, and they circle the ring. Jericho punches and kicks him to the corner before chopping the chest. Jericho sends him into the ropes, but Rollins holds on before escaping. Jericho goes outside and clubs him down. Jericho then bounces him off the barricade before chopping the chest. Rollins comes back with a chop, but Jericho kicks him and puts him in the ring. Rollins boots him in the face as he tries to get in. Rollins goes for a suicide dive, but Jericho punches him in the face. Jericho kicks him in the ribs and hits a textbook suplex. Rollins turns him before he kicks and punches him down in the corner. Rollins sends him to the opposite corner, but Jericho slingshots over him and hits a step-up enzuigiri for a two count. Jericho then chokes him on the ropes before kicking him in the ribs. Jericho kicks him in the face before hitting the ropes. Rollins then dropkicks him down. Rollins then punches away at him before sending him into the ropes. Rollins goes for a leapfrog, but Jericho holds on to the ropes. Jericho back drops him onto the apron and takes him down with a springboard dropkick. Jericho high fives a fan at ringside.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Jericho trapped in a chin lock. During the commercial, Rollins sent him into the top of the turnbuckle before hitting a suicide dive. Jericho fights up and elbows out. Rollins takes him down by the hair before hitting a forearm smash in the corner for a two count. Jericho rolls to the apron to recover. Rollins talks some trash before biting his forehead. Rollins sends him to the corner and goes for a splash, but Jericho sidesteps him. Jericho hits a shoulder block and a running forearm. Rollins sends him to the apron, but Jericho hangs on and runs to the top rope. Jericho then hits a jumping axe handle. Jericho pumps the crowd up before going for a bulldog, but Rollins avoids it and hits a headlock slam for a near fall.
Rollins head-butts him and jabs at him. Jericho comes back with some chops before sending him to the corner. Rollins then counters him with an STO into the turnbuckle. Rollins goes to the top rope, but Jericho crotches him. Jericho chops the chest before attempting a superplex. Rollins fights him off and head-butts him. Rollins goes for a sunset flip powerbomb, but Jericho counters with a back body drop. Jericho then hits a cross-body block for a near fall. They trade punches with Rollins coming out on top with a knee to the midsection. Rollins hits the ropes, and Jericho turns him inside out with a back elbow. Rollins rolls out of the way of a Lionsault, and Jericho crashes and burns. Rollins then hits a turnbuckle powerbomb before attempting a Curb Stomp, but Jericho avoids it and rolls him up for a two count. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Rollins hangs on to the ropes. Rollins climbs the ropes, and Jericho flips him to his feet. Rollins then hits an enzuigiri!
Rollins pulls himself up on the apron as the crowd chants, “Y2J.” Rollins springboards off the top rope, and Jericho catches him mid-air with a Codebreaker! The Wyatt Family’s video flashes and the lights go out. When the come back on, Jericho is in the ring with The Wyatt Family. They viciously attack Jericho while Bray Wyatt watches on. They then hand Jericho to Bray Wyatt who delivers Sister Abigail. The Wyatt Family stands over Jericho. Wyatt then kneels in front of him and shouts, “Follow the buzzards.”
No Contest
Match Rating: ** 1/2
Triple H is walking backstage with Stephanie McMahon. She’ll confront Brie Bella in the ring, next.
-Commercial Break-
Chris Jericho will go one-on-one with Erick Rowan of The Wyatt Family this Friday on Smackdown.
Stephanie McMahon calls Brie Bella out to the ring
Stephanie McMahon makes her way to the ring. A replay is shown from WWE Payback when Brie Bella slapped her and quit. A replay is then shown from last week when Stephanie McMahon slapped her back before later being arrested. Stephanie says she stands before them a humble woman. Getting arrested is a life altering experience. She is the principal owner of WWE. She represents four generations of McMahons and WWE. She represents the shareholders, corporate sponsors, and business partners. They can’t look at her in the eye and not think she’s a common criminal. This experience has affected her both professionally and personally. Her daughters cannot understand why their mother was arrested and taken to jail. Her children are getting teased at summer camp and their friend’s parents won’t let them come over for play dates.
Brie Bella comes in through the crowd, and her music hits. Brie gets in the ring, and she says she’s heard enough of this. Stephanie invited her here tonight, so let’s get to the point. Brie then says, “Or are you just going to stand there like a whining, sniveling little rich bitch?” Stephanie says she asked her here to drop all charges. Brie asks why she would do that. Stephanie says she doesn’t deserve this. No one deserves this. Brie says Stephanie deserves to go to hell. Stephanie says she understands why she’s upset because she took it out on Nikki. From this point forward, she’ll treat Nikki fairly and professionally. Brie says Stephanie is being insulting. Stephanie then suggests a raise for Nikki, and Brie accepts that as long as she agrees to all of her demands. It’s really simple – she wants her job back! The crowd loudly cheers for Brie before starting a “YES!” chant.
Stephanie says Brie needs to be reasonable. She’s talking about giving Nikki a raise. One Bella is enough for WWE. Brie says she’ll see her in court and walks off. Stephanie tells her to wait. Stephanie then asks if she agrees to give her the job back, she’ll agree to drop the charges. Brie agrees, and Stephanie says, “You agree? Awesome! Done deal!” Brie then says there is just one more thing she wants. The crowd begins to cheer in anticipation. Brie says she wants a match at SummerSlam. Stephanie says, “That’s it?” Stephanie says she has it. She asks if it’ll be for the WWE Divas Championship or a Total Divas Blowout. Brie says that’s not the match she wants. The match she wants is against Stephanie! Another “YES!” chant breaks out.
Stephanie says Brie doesn’t understand what she’s asking for. She hasn’t competed in the ring for ten years. She dedicated her life to her career, being a wife, and a mom. She’ll give her the job back, Nikki a raise, and a match at SummerSlam, just not against her. Brie says she won’t drop the charges. She walks off, and Stephanie calls for her to wait. Stephanie says it’s unfair. Stephanie says she can’t wrestle or compete against her. How can Brie expect her to do this? Stephanie says she refuses to do it. She will not lower herself to get into the ring with her. Brie says she’ll see her in court.
Stephanie begs her to wait before walking around the ring. Stephanie asks if she agrees to face her at SummerSlam, she’ll agree to drop all the charges. Brie says she’ll drop all the charges if Stephanie drops all the charges. A big “YES!” chant breaks out, and Stephanie cries before agreeing to it. Stephanie says Brie has to consider something… and she slaps her in the face! Brie falls to the floor from the apron. Stephanie then says she’ll make her her bitch at SummerSlam!
Brie attacks Stephanie, and they begin brawling in the ring. The agents run down to break them up. Brie elbows Jamie Noble in the head and takes Stephanie down as well. Triple H comes down to grab Stephanie and drag her away. Stephanie is dragged up the ramp screaming, “You’re mine! You’re my bitch!”
Quick Match Results
John Cena def. Cesaro (non-title)
Dolph Ziggler and The Usos def. The Miz and RybAxel
R-Truth def. Bo Dallas
Adam Rose def. Damien Sandow
Diego def. Fandango
Natalya and Naomi def. Alicia Fox and Cameron via Submission
Chris Jericho NC Seth Rollins

Courtesy: wrestleview

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