Bryan gets into a screaming match during his entrance right before a commercial break. We return to see 3MB coming into the ring.
Slater and Bryan start things off and Slater hits an armdrag before celebrating like he just won the match. They lock up again and Bryan gets him in a headlock.
Slater tries a leapfrog and Bryan grabs his leg and slams him down to the mat before locking in a surfboard submission.
Kane gets the tag and he hits a low dropkick to Slater while Bryan is still holding him in the submission. Slater ends up tagging in Drew, who locks up with Kane and gets taken down with a shoulder block.
Bryan tags in and Kane whips him back into Drew for a running dropkick and a two count. D-Mac gets the upper hand and starts laying into Bryan.
Bryan ends up being taken out of the ring by Slater, who holds the ropes open so he can fall through them.
Bryan gets rolled into the ring for a near fall. Slater hits a nice neckbreaker for another near fall.
Bryan and Slater collide in the middle of the ring and both men struggle to get to their corner. D-Mac gets the tag first, but he is unable to stop Bryan from tagging in Kane.
Kane comes in and hits Drew with a few nice moves before hitting a sidewalk slam for a two count. Kane goes up top and hits the flying clothesline.
Slater tries to come in the ring and Kane throws him right back out. D-Mac almost hits the Future Shock and Kane turns it into a Chokeslam.
Bryan gets the tag and hits the flying headbutt for a three count.

Winners: Team Hell No

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