Ricky comes out in a beautiful red Mercedes and he is still wearing his tux. Alberto Del Rio comes out to lend his support.
At least Ricky takes his tie off before the match. Justin Roberts does the intros and the bell rings.
Ricky goes for a leg and Show hits him in the back to take him down. Show hits a big chest chop to Ricky after tearing off his jacket and opening his shirt.
He hits a second chop and then chokes Ricky on the ropes for the full four count. Show talks trash to Del Rio while he puts Ricky on the top turnbuckle.
Show gets distracted by ADR and Ricky ends up kicking him in the face. Ricky ends up hitting a nice running enziguiri kick in the corner.
Ricky tries to leap off the middle rope and Show just swats him down with a shot to the chest. As Show lines up for the KO punch Del Rio comes in and causes a DQ.

Winner: Big Show

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