After the break we see Kofi fighting up out of a headlock only to get a hard sidekick to the gut from Barrett.
Barrett gets a near fall after a slam and then he wraps Kofi up in the ropes for some knees and a running boot.
Kofi avoids the boot and ends up knocking Barrett out of the ring. He springboards back onto Barrett from the middle rope and he rolls Barrett back in the ring for a near fall.
Kofi tries for a rollup and Barrett reverses it for a near fall. Kofi hits the SOS for a two count. Kofi hits his mounted punches in the corner and Barrett turns it into a powerbomb for a near fall.
Kofi misses a Trouble in Paradise and Barrett is able to hit Wasteland for a two count. Kofi gets a near fall with a rollup and Barrett hits him with a clothesline as punishment.
Kofi hits a kick in the corner but Barrett moves when Kofi goes for the springboard cross body. Barrett hits the Bull Hammer for the pin and the win.
Winner and new IC Champion: Wade Barrett

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