Cesaro feels him out with a couple of kicks but Khali catches his leg and drives him back into the corner and clubs him down. Khali delivers big chops to the chest and clotheslines Cesaro over the rope. Cesaro slowly gets in the ring as Hornswoggle and Natalya lead "USA" chants from ringside. Khali hits a big chop to the head and clotheslines Cesaro back out to the floor. Hornswoggle jumps on top of Cesaro and Cesaro chases him until Natalya makes him stop in his tracks. Khali reaches down and brings Cesaro in the ring by his head from the floor, over the top. Khali keeps the pressure on.
Cesaro catches Khali's groin across the top rope and takes over on the mat on Khali's legs. Natalya gets the crowd riled-up for Khali to break the leg-hold but Cesaro keeps the pressure on. Cesaro jumps on Khali's leg from the 2nd rope and goes back to working the left leg on the mat. Khali hits clubbing blows to the back of Cesaro's head and he breaks the hold and proceeds to stomp on Khali. Cesaro pumps his fists in the air as Miz wonder how he is going to put the big man away. Cesaro drops and elbow and gets 2. Khali kicks Cesaro off and hits a chop to get up. Khali fights off Cesaro with a reverse elbow and a boot to the face in the corner. Cole hypes the comeback and teases a title change but then sends right to a commercial.
-Back from the break as Khali waits for Cesaro to get up from the mat. Cesaro drives Khali's throat across the top rope as he jumps to the floor from the apron. Cesaro ducks a chop and hits a couple of European Uppercuts and then knocks Khali down like a big tree with a reverse springboard shoulderblock from the 2nd rope. Cesaro amazingly hits the Neutralizer on Khali for the win.
Winner by pin And STILL WWE U.S. Champion: Antonio Cesaro

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