The bell rings and Barrett lays Yoshi out with an elbow after Yoshi misses with a spin kick for the pin. JTG's music hits immediately and he gets in the ring but Barrett stomps him on his way in and sends him into the corner hard. Barrett hits a suplex and applies a reverse chin-lock on JTG. Miz and Kofi argue at ringside on commentary about the IC Title. Miz tells Cole he's just asking the "hard" questions. Barrett hits the bull hammer on JTG for the win. Justin Gabriel is out next and he runs down and hits a flurry of dropkicks of Barrett and clotheslines him to the floor as we go to break.
-Gabriel keeps control of Barrett in the ring as we return to action. Barrett works up from one knee and catches Gabriel with a clothesline out of the ring. Barrett goes out and slams Gabriel's head across the apron and gets 2 in the ring. Barrett hits punches to the stomach in the corner and gets another near fall. Gabriel comes back but Wade catches him with a back kick. Barrett kicks Gabriel in the head from the apron and Gabriel goes to the floor. Another near fall in the ring. Barrett hits a big elbow from up top for 2. Gabriel comes back with a series of kicks and comes off the ropes with a crossbody for 2. Gabriel hits a moonsault off the 2nd rope for 2. Gabriel slingshots himself into the ring from the apron but Barrett catches him on his shoulders and drops Gabriel's neck across the top rope for the pin. Kofi's music hits and he gets up from the announce table and hops onto the apron and springboards into the ring for a flurry on Barrett. Kofi hits the Boom Drop and connects with Trouble In Paradise for the win.
Winner :Kofi Kingston

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