From WWE.com 
"Let's go Barrett" chants broke out as Barrett took control of the early part of the match.  Kingston started to mount offense outside of the ring, but Barrett regained control with a kick to the gut of a charging Kingston.
Barrett connected with a flying elbow from the second rope then locked on a rest hold.  Kingston fought out of the hold and began his signature comeback, punctuated by the Boom Drop.
Kingston teased the Trouble in Paradise.  Barrett Ducked and attempted a sidewalk slam, but Kingston countered into a rollup for a nearfall.  Kingston followed up with an SOS for another nearfall.
Barrett got back in the driver's seat after fighting off top turnbuckle punches by Kingston.  Barrett countered a flying cross body by Kingston with a rollup for a nearfall.  Barrett scored another nearfall after a sidewalk slam.
Barrett went for the Bull Hammer, but Kingston countered with Trouble in Paradise for the win.
Winner: Kofi

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