Punk is out first and he throws a chair in the aisle as he walks to the ring. Heyman follows close behind.
Ryback is out after Punk stands in the ring with his arms stretched out as Heyman claps in the background for what seems like a solid minute.
The bell rings and they go at it, with Ryback overpowering Punk and throwing him from corner to corner. The Goldberg chants start up within seconds.
Punk grabs a chair and hits Ryback in the gut. Ryback still tackles Punk and hits some hard right hands. Ryback picks up the chair and almost smashes Punk into the steel steps.
Punk hits Ryback with the chair and then throws him into the barricade. Punk puts a ladder in the ring but Ryback is able to catch him and keep him grounded.
He grabs Punk and suplexes him into the ladder. Punk is either a great actor or that was a legit look of extreme pain.
Ryback grabs the steps and hits Punk with them. Ryback tries to drop the big part of the steps on Punk and Punk moves and ends up hitting Ryback with a kick off the steps.
Punk grabs another chair and starts working over Ryback's knees as we head to a break.
Punk hits a pair of high knees, but on the second one he gets dumped over the top rope and through a table on the outside.
Ryback grabs a ladder while Punk is down outside the ring. He climbs up the ladder and reaches for the belt.
The lights go out and when they come back on we see The Shield on the ladder attacking Ryback. Ryback ends up getting rid of them for a moment and tries again for the title.
The numbers game catches up to him and Ryback is beaten by The Shield all around the ring. They hit the Triple Powerbomb through a table, which was on top of the steel steps.
The 3 men leave the arena and Punk slowly starts to crawl back into the ring. Ryback begins to move as Punk makes it to the ring.
Punk climbs one step at a time to the top of the ladder. Punk smiles as he reaches the top of the ladder and grabs his WWE title.
Winner and still WWE Champion: CM Punk

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