3MB are already in the ring when we return and Randy Orton makes his way out to the ring. Orton has a look on his face that says "How did I end up facing Heath Slater?"
The bell rings and Slater goes behind Orton. Orton ends up hitting a shoulder block and a clothesline for a one count on Slater.
Slater hits a hard kick to the gut and then backs Orton into the corner. Orton fights back with headbutts and a European uppercut.
Orton ends up fighting off the other members of 3MB on the outside. Slater distracts the ref while Mahal and D-Mac lay in with kicks.
Slater rolls Orton back in for a near fall. Slater ends up hitting a nice neckbreaker for a close near fall on Orton. Cole freaks out when he thinks Slater might win the match.
Orton crotches Slater on the top rope and then climbs up for a superplex from the top rope. Orton stalks Slater and hits a pair of clothesline and a powerslam.
Orton hits the rope-hung DDT and then he lines up for an RKO. Orton hits it for the pin and the win.
Winner: Randy Orton

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