After the break the bell rings and the match starts. Cena starts off with a shoulder block to Ziggler as Cole says Vickie made the match official during the break.
Zggler tales Cena down with a side headlock takedown and Cena answers back with a big hip toss and an armdrag into an armbar.
Ziggler backs Cena into the corner and beats him down with hard rights. Ziggler is in control and he celebrates with some situps.
Cena takes advantage with a rollup for a near fall. Cena comes back with a running bulldog for another near fall.
Cena hits a standing suplex for another two count. Ziggler comes back with a running knee and a splash in the corner for a near fall on Cena.
Ziggler hits a nice dropkick for another two count. Cena catches Ziggy and slingshots him into the turnbuckle.
Langston hits Cena upside the head and Ziggler is able to get another two count before the break.

Ziggler is in control when we return. He hits a beautiful dropkick on Cena for a near fall and he follows up with a series of falling elbows and a jumping elbow for another two count.
The ref catches AJ slap Cena and the ref kicks AJ and Big E. from ringside. Cena hits a few signatures but Ziggler ends up hitting a kick and a fame-asser for a two count.
Ziggler misses in the corner and Cena takes advantage so he can hit the 5-Knuckle Shuffle. AJ squirms out of the AA and hits the Zig Zag for a close two count.
Ziggler tries for a Superkick and Cena reverse into an STF, which Ziggler breaks out of so he can hit the jumping DDT for another two count.
Ziggler goes to the top rope and leaps off into Cena's arms, who hoists him up. Ziggler breaks out of the AA again and hits the Superkick for another near fall.
Cena and Ziggler starts trading shots in the middle of the ring. Ziggler locks in the Sleeper hold and Cena starts to lose his balance after a moment.
Cena won't go downand he grabs Ziggler's leg and whips Ziggler off of him. The ref goes down so when Cena locks in the STF there is no one to ring the bell.
Langston comes out and hits his finisher on Cena and then pulls Ziggler onto Cena's body. Another ref runs to the ring and counts.
Cena kicks out at two and the crowd goes a little nuts. Cena grabs Ziggler and hits the AA for the pin and the win.

Winner: John Cena

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