We come back from the break and Ziggler is making his way inside the steel cage for the final match of the evening.
Cena comes out and the bell rings. Ziggler goes for the door right away and Cena pulls him back in and locks in a headlock.
They get back to their feet and Ziggler tries to make it over the top of the cage, but Cena catches him again.
Cena hits a suplex for a one count. Langston is circling the ring as Cena holds Ziggler down with a headlock.
Ziggler ends up running Cena into the cage to take control and he hits a pair of neckbreakers to follow it up.
He goes for a third and Cena breaks free. Ziggler stills drops him for a two count. Ziggler lays Cena out with a right hand. Cena grabs Ziggler and tries for a slingshot, but Ziggler almost ends up escaping the cage instead.
Cena pulls him down and then tries to climb out himself. Ziggler makes it up to stop him and they trade shots on the top rope.
Cena ends up falling down and Ziggler gets crotched on the top rope as we head to a break.

After the break we see Cena trying to escape again and Ziggler catching him. Ziggler knocks Cena from the top of the cage and Cena pulls Ziggler back down with him.
Ziggler hits a dropkick while both men are on the top rope and they both drop to the mat.
Ziggler runs Cena into the steel cage wall. Cena blocks the second attempt and then goes to work on Zggler with all his signatures.
Cena hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle but Ziggler is able to pop up and almost escape over the top of the cage.
Cena tries for an AA and Ziggler breaks free and hits a superkick for a two count. Ziggler tries to crawl to the door and Cena grabs him.
Cena and Langston ends up playing tug o war with Ziggler and Cena wins, pulling Ziggler in for an STF.
WOW! Ziggler counters into a sleeper. This match is pretty good so far.Cena tries to climb up the cage with Ziggler on his back.
Both men fall to the mat and both try to escape opposite sides of the cage. Ziggler ends up changing his mind and he stops Cena from escaping.
Langstong slams the cage door on Cena's head and Ziggler gets a near fall. Cena goes over the top of the cage and kicks the door into Ziggler's head.
Langston uses a chair to prevent Cena from escaping and Cena goes back into the ring and gets hit with a Zig Zag for another near fall.
Ziggler goes up the wall again and Cena grabs his foot. He pulls Ziggler down to the mat. Ziggler runs up and hits a huge DDT from the top rope for a close two count.
That was awesome.
AJ starts losing her mind at ringside as both men lay in the ring. She starts climbing the side of the cage to get inside.
Langston gets in the ring and trades shots with Cena. Ziggler misses Cena with his briefcase and hits Langston.
Cena grabs Ziggler and hit the AA to get the pin and the win. He leaves the ring and celebrates while AJ watches from the top of the cage, screaming.

Winner: John Cena