• The show opens up with Del Rio Fiesta. Alberto Del Rio got a small pop coming out, they'll probably dub that. Dolph Ziggler interrupts the party. The Big Show comes out as well, and then Sheamus. This sets up a tag match for later tonight, with Ziggler and Big Show vs. Del Rio and Sheamus.
  •   U.S. Champion Antonio Cesaro defeated Kofi Kingston in a non-title match.
  •   Team Hell No and Randy Orton vs. Team Rhodes Scholars and Wade Barrett is up next. Orton won the match for his team after hitting Sandow with an RKO and pinning him. After the match, Kane hugged Orton and Daniel Bryan joined in.
  •   The Miz defeated Primo with a figure four leglock.
  •   WWE Divas Champion Kaitlyn defeated Aksana.
  •   World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus defeated Dolph Ziggler and The Big Show.
         That was it for this week's episode.