The bell rings after the break and they lock up. Kaitlyn uses her power to shove Eve off but Eve comes right back with a side headlock takeover.
Katie turns it into a headscissor. Eve breaks out and grabs Katie's leg for a leglock. Eve locks in a nice ankle lock that Katie uses a nice counter to break out of.
Eve makes the ref force Katie to tie her shoelaces and Eve pounces. The ref yells at her and Eve says it wasn't her fault.
Eve hangs Katie in the corner with a choke hold. Katie ends up hitting Eve with a side slam for a near fall.
She grabs Eve and plants her with a reverse DDT move and gets a near fall. Katie puts Eve on her shoulders. Eve breaks free and tries to run away.
Kaitlyn follows Eve and Eve escapes through the crowd for a countout loss to retain her title.

Winner: Kaitlyn (No title change due to countout)

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