After the break we see a mustache ready to fight Kane. Rhodes tries to trick Kane but he gets hit in the face for his troubles.
Sandow comes in off the tag and Kane continues to control the match with a low dropkick. Daniel Bryan tags in and hits a running dropkick in the corner for a two count.
Bryan focuses on the arm of Sandow to soften him up for the No Lock. Sandow breaks free and tags Rhodes, who runs right into a drop toe hold.
Bryan hits Rhodes with a series of kicks to the chest. Bryan misses a kick but hits a bridging suplex for a two count.
Cody ends up hanging Bryan on the top rope and kicking him in the gut, much like how Bob Holly used to do. Sandow tags in and starts pounding on Bryan.
Sandow drops the Elbow of Disdain on Bryan and tells the crowd they're welcome. Bryan makes a desperate tag to Kane, who takes Sandow out with a flying clothesline.
Kane hits a big boot for a two count. Kane hits a pair of corner clotheslines and a sidewalk slam for another two count.
Kane calls for the Chokeslam and Sandow rolls to the outside only to get hit with a running knee off the apron from Bryan.
Bryan tags in and hits Sandow with a ton of kicks to the chest. Bryan lands bad off a back flip in the corner and Sandow and Rhodes immediately focus in on the knee.
If that was a planned spot then it came off well.
Kane hits Sandow for attacking Bryan while the ref had his back turned. Bryan rolls up Rhodes for a near fall. Rhodes ends up hitting Bryan with the Cross Rhodes for the pin and the win.

Winners: Team Rhodes Scholars

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