Cesaro comes out next. Miz comes out as the special guest ref and Cesaro freaks out in frustration as we head to a commercial.
We return from break to see Orton in control of Cesaro. He hits a suplex to Cesaro for a near fall.
Mix is counting fairly so far. Cesaro comes back in the corner with an uppercut and then he puts Orton in the corner and Miz has to break him off Orton at the 5-count.

Orton hits a couple nice European uppercuts to Cesaro on the apron. Orton slingshots Cesaro into the bottom rope for a two count.
Orton and Cesaro start trading European uppercuts in the middle of the ring. This is awesome. It goes for about 30 second before Cesaro gets the better o the exchange.
Orton ends up back dropping Cesaro over the top rope to the outside before we head to another break.
After the break we see Cesaro gain back control by slamming Orton's head into the turnbuckle. Cesaro twists Orton's neck until Orton fights out with hard rights and a headbutt.
Orton ends up running into a sitting scoop slam for a two count. Cesaro picks up Orton by the waist and hits his signature slam for a two count.
Orton comes back with his two clotheslines into a powerslam combo. He whips Cesaro into the corner, but Cesaro gets a knee up and then launches off the middle rope with a flying European uppercut for a near fall.
Cesaro gets in Miz's face about the count and then turns into Orton, who delivers his signature backbreaker.
Cesaro avoids the rope-hung DDT and then he and Miz get into an altercation. Orton recovers and Cesaro turns right into an RKO for the pin and the win.
Winner: Randy Orton