After the break we see Cody in the ring waiting for Cena. Cena comes out to a mixed response and we get underway.

He grabs a mic and says this is a waste of time and tries to leave. Cena grabs him and sends him in the rng so he can hit all his signatures.
Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle and then the AA for the pin and the win.
After the match Cena grabs a mic and asks if some of the people booing him bet on someone else.
He says he is the only person who is able to come down here and say he won the Royal Rumble and that is him.
Cena talks about how he gets to choose which champion he faces at WrestleMania. He says this is his most difficult decision, like he won't just pick the Rock.
A Cena sucks chant breaks out for a few moments and then Cena keeps talking about how the WWE title will either be around CM Punk or The Rock's waist at WrestleMania.
He brings up how Punk has beat him in their last six matches and how The Rock beat him when they faced off.
When you really think about it, he has lost a lot of matches in the past year.
Cena asks the crowd if he should choose the WWE or World title to go after. Cena says he will not wait to make his decision.
He says he is going to face whoever is WWE champion at WrestleMania. As he keeps talking The Shield's music hits.
Winner: John Cena