* Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara vs. WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No is our first match of the night. Kane and Rey start. Rey gets some offense in early on and tags in Sin Cara, who gets dominated by Kane. Daniel Bryan is tagged in and Cara gains the advantage. Fast paced match with the crowd behind Rey and Sin Cara. Late in the match, Kane is working over Sin Cara and tagged in Bryan, while Cara made the hot tag to Rey. Rey got in some offense on Bryan and set him up for a 619, but Kane tried to block it with a chokeslam. Rey kicked Kane out of the ring, and Bryan locked in the No Lock. Sin Cara broke it up, Rey hit the 619 on Bryan and gets the win.
A recap of the 3MB - Great Khali segment from RAW is shown.
* Jinder Mahal (with Drew McIntyre and Heath Slater) vs. The Great Khali (with Natalya and Hornswoggle) is next. 3MB tried to interfere, but Hornswoggle blocked that. Khali destroyed Mahal in a short match.
* Damien Sandow vs. Sheamus. It looks like the Shield might interrupt this match as extra security was just set up near the side they usually come through, plus some camera men headed that way. Sandow took the early advantage. Sheamus fought back and started to dominate when the Shield entered and attacked Sheamus. Rollins is in first, but gets laid out by Sheamus. Rollins sold well. Sheamus fights off Ambrose and Reigns until Ambrose tripped him and Reigns beat him down. The Shield then beat him down and then planted him with the triple power bomb. The Shield then left through the crowd
* Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger. Swagger dominated Kofi early on using wrestling moves. Kofi kept trying to find back, but Swagger kept putting him back down. Kofi finally is able to knock Swagger down and hits the Boom Drop. Swagger fights back, but Kofi sends him out of the ring. They fight outside with Kofi missing a kick and accidentally kicking the announce table. Swagger then rolled Kofi in the ring and defeated him via submission with the ankle lock. Swagger looked good, it looks like he'll be getting pushed.