Vince McMahon kicked the show off by reminding the WWE Universe that over 4 billion people have watched Raw since its debut.  He referred to himself as a genius and thanked the fans.
McMahon was then interrupted by The Big Show.  McMahon growled at Show for calling him Vince, then listened to Show's complaints of being wronged on SmackDown.
Big Show said Booker T. was jealous of him and his contract, saying Booker T. was trying to make Del Rio a hero to the Latinos.
Alberto Del Rio came out and called Big Show a crybaby.  He said instead of complaining to Mr. McMahon he should do something about it. Del Rio challenged Del Rio to a match for the world heavyweight title as the crowd chanted "Si!"
Big Show declined, saying he was not prepared. 
He then challenged Del Rio to a rematch at Royal Rumble.

Del Rio called Show a "fat jackass" in Spanish.

Del Rio cued Ricardo Rodriguez to grab a bucket decorated in the colors of the Mexican flag.  Rodriguez then threw confetti at show as Del Rio and Show brawled in the ring.  Del Rio hit a hurricanrana followed by a running enzuigiri as Big Show retreated.  

McMahon introduced Del Rio to the Houston crowd to a nice pop as the opening segment wrapped.