Wade Barrett begun the match in control as he hammered Orton in the corner.  Orton quickly took control with the Thez press off the Irish whip.  After rolling outside, Barrett and Orton begun brawling as Orton continued to dominate the early goings of the match.
Back inside the ring, Orton hit his signature stomps on Barrett before clotheslining him back out of the ring as RAW went to commercial.
Barrett was working over Orton when RAW came back from commercial as he controlled the pace of the match.
Orton tried fighting out of Barrett's offense but was met with a big boot for a nearfall.
Barrett then big booted Orton again onto the apron for another nearfall.  Orton countered a rest hold with a back suplex as the two men stirred.  Orton and Barrett exchanged strikes with Barrett getting the better of the exchange.  Orton exploded out of the corner with a clothesline to finish his comeback capped off by a power slam on Barrett.
Barrett missed wildly with a strike and countered with a back breaker, followed by a suspension DDT.
Orton's RKO attempt was thwarted by Barrett as he threw Orton shoulder first into the corner.  Barrett hit a Bull Hammer for the victory.

Winner: Wade Barrett
This Match as a RAW Moment: Kane Takes His Mask Off