One-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan comes out for the next match as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Swagger has Bryan on the mat. Bryan’s ribs are taped from the Chamber match. Bryan fights up and out. Bryan with kicks on Swagger. Swagger gets countered and rolled up for 2. Swagger blocks a surfboard and shoves Bryan off. Bryan drops Swagger’s face into the corner and kicks him. Bryan takes Swagger back down for a 2 count. Bryan continues working on the arm. Bryan with a knee to the face but Swagger clotheslines him out to the floor.
They fight on the floor and Bryan dropkicks Swagger. Bryan runs the apron but misses a shot. Swagger scoops him and rams him back into the fan barrier. Swagger brings it in the ring for a pin attempt. Swagger works on the leg now. Swagger keeps control and keeps Bryan on the mat with another submission. Swagger goes on and hits the Swagger Bomb but Bryan kicks out. Bryan counters with boots in the corner. Bryan fights back with right hands. Bryan makes a comeback and sends Swagger flying out to the floor. Bryan runs the ropes and takes out Swagger with a suicide dive. They come back in and Bryan goes to the top. Bryan nails a missile dropkick for a 2 count. Bryan with kicks to the chest now. Swagger catches a kick and slams Bryan. Bryan goes for the No Lock and gets it locked in. Swagger gets his foot on the bottom rope and breaks the hold. Bryan misses a dropkick in the corner and lands on his head. Swagger drops a knee on Bryan’s leg. Swagger takes out the knee with a chop block as Zeb looks on. Swagger applies the Patriot Lock and Bryan taps for the win.
Winner: Jack Swagger