We go to the ring and out comes Dolph Ziggler with Big E Langston and AJ Lee. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Ricardo Rodriguez is out to do the introduction for World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio. The bell rings and here we go. Ziggler strikes first and dropkicks Del Rio. Back and forth action now. Del Rio hits an enziguri while Ziggler is on the apron and sends him to the floor. AJ checks on Ziggler as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Ziggler is in control. Ziggler connects with another big dropkick for a 2 count. Ziggler chokes Dolph on the ropes and Big E gets a cheap shot in. 2 count by Ziggler. We see Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter watching from backstage. Del Rio fights back but Ziggler catches him a knee to the gut. Ziggler hits the leg drop for another pin attempt. Ziggler goes to the top but Del Rio cuts him off. Del Rio with a kick now. Del Rio with a reverse suplex from the top. They trade lefts and rights now. Del Rio runs over Ziggler with clotheslines. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Del Rio with a big kick to the mouth and another 2 count. More back and forth with close calls. Ziggler with forearm shots to the back and a backstabber. 2 count by Del Rio. Big E gets on the apron but Del Rio kicks his legs out. Del Rio counters Ziggler and applies the cross armbreaker for the win.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio