We go to the ring and out comes “Road Dogg” BG James and Billy Gunn. Dogg has the mic and they do a typical NAO entrance. Gunn does the “two words for ya” and the crowd responds with a big “suck it.” Rosa Mendes is at ringside with Primo and Epico as we get ready. Dogg starts out with Epico and drops knees for a 2 count. Dogg drops Primo but turns around to a dropkick from Epico for a 2 count. They cut Dogg down in their corner and stomp away on him. Primo tags in and they keep the quick tags coming. Primo with a knee to the forehead and a knee drop before tagging Epico back in for some double teaming.
More back and forth. they collide in the middle of the ring and in comes Gunn and Primo. Gunn unloads and takes out Epico. Gunn drops Primo and covers for 2 but it’s broken up. Road Dogg takes Epico to the floor. Gunn with more offense. He hits the Fame-asser on Primo for the win.

Winners: The New Age Outlaws