We go to the ring and WWE Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett is in the ring. Ricardo Rodriguez begins the introduction for World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio and out he comes.
Back and forth to start. Del Rio with multiple shots to the kidney. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter come out to the entrance way. Del Rio sends Barrett to the floor and brings him back in. Barrett catches Del Rio with Winds of Change for a 2 count. Barrett drops elbows for another pin attempt. Barrett with a headlock now. More offense from Barrett until Del Rio wraps up his arm on the ropes. Del Rio catches a big boot to the head and falls back out to the floor.
Barrett with knees and a big kick to the head. He brings it back in the ring for another 2 count. Barrett goes to the middle rope but misses an elbow drop. Del Rio with a kick to the face and a pair of clotheslines. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Del Rio hits the superkick for a pin attempt. Del Rio sees Zeb and Swagger now. Del Rio misses a move and catches a big kick to the face. Barrett gets countered twice. Del Rio locks in the cross armbreaker for the win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio
